[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Installer is nice, but it reseted my settings (like music volume). Not that critical but annoying.

Red Perversion

Tried the latest version and apparently it bugs out certain construction options - when I plop down (Marble) Glasswork Table, it vanishes just after finishing its construction!
Tried to go around that with dev mode, but it does not allow me to place any Glasswork Tables. Same thing happens with Comm Consoles.

Any ideas how to fix that?


Quote from: Red Perversion on August 14, 2015, 05:22:14 PM
Tried the latest version and apparently it bugs out certain construction options - when I plop down (Marble) Glasswork Table, it vanishes just after finishing its construction!
Tried to go around that with dev mode, but it does not allow me to place any Glasswork Tables. Same thing happens with Comm Consoles.

Any ideas how to fix that?
Well it worked for me so it might be a problem with how you installed it


Using MD2 source created new type [thingclass] of building, which comsume from hopper one resource and create another. New word in Rimworld production industry. Thanks for support to isistoy.

This is a gas centrifuge, new feature in next 1.12 creates highly enriched uranium for nuclear power station, also producing combat depleted uranium for ammo.  the texture will changed, too. it's prototype. :D

Quote from: Canute on August 14, 2015, 12:38:20 PM
Maybe he should increase the installer into an updater too.
Ok skyarkhangel don't update his modpack that much like ninefinger but it could be a nice feature too.

first and wanted to do with autoupdate, but there are problem with rimworld, it not create any reg keys, to automatically search where rimworld installed and there are many copies with rimworld with various versions.

Red Perversion

There used to be a mod that let me create battle groups to quickly re-deploy pawns to saved position. Is it still in latest version? I think it gave me a tutorial pop-up before but not anymore.


Quote from: skyarkhangel on August 15, 2015, 08:58:27 AM
Using MD2 source created new type [thingclass] of building, which comsume from hopper one resource and create another. New word in Rimworld production industry. Thanks for support to isistoy.

This is a gas centrifuge, new feature in next 1.12 creates highly enriched uranium for nuclear power station, also producing combat depleted uranium for ammo.  the texture will changed, too. it's prototype. :D

Quote from: Canute on August 14, 2015, 12:38:20 PM
Maybe he should increase the installer into an updater too.
Ok skyarkhangel don't update his modpack that much like ninefinger but it could be a nice feature too.

first and wanted to do with autoupdate, but there are problem with rimworld, it not create any reg keys, to automatically search where rimworld installed and there are many copies with rimworld with various versions.

It's looking great! Thanks for credits, but you did all the work :)
<Stay on the scene like a State machine>


Im having an issue where im getting alot of errors in the log when i start the game and start a new colony and the game isnt saving properly. any idea of how to fix this?


hi your mod pack bug for me impossilbe to load a savegame...


Hellou guys I like this mod a lot but I got stuck a little. Can't find out how to trade with rogue traders. And can't get any sand on my map and i need it on electro chips thx for answer



Thanks for your answer sleban but how to trade with rogue traders i cant buy or sell with them?


the ones that come to your settlement? you need to have someone with the negotiate skill activated and click on the tent and trade but you cant sell to them unless you have a trade beacon


i have the same problem, i looked at my log it seems something along the lines with the Community Core library but no idea how to fix it


Quote from: Canute on August 15, 2015, 02:53:33 PM
Quote from: Sleban on August 15, 2015, 12:12:41 PM
Im having an issue where im getting alot of errors in the log when i start the game and start a new colony and the game isnt saving properly. any idea of how to fix this?
This mosttimes happen when you
- use not the current Rimworld version
- or didn't follow the install instruction.

Try a fresh Rimworld install,Start and quit the game, unzip the modpack into the mod folder and copy the modconfig.xml from the mod folder into the config order.

You can install/activate addinonal mod's after the modpack is running, but you should avoid any mod that add some extra crafting.

Quote from: mickey on August 15, 2015, 01:16:55 PM
hi your mod pack bug for me impossilbe to load a savegame...
Did you try to load an old colony or a new colony with new world generated with that modpack ?
You can't load colonies they arn't made with these modpack.

Quote from: Sleban on August 15, 2015, 02:50:23 PM
i have the same problem, i looked at my log it seems something along the lines with the Community Core library but no idea how to fix it
Same tip for you, try a fresh Rimworld install. The modpack works fine without errors when you follow the install instruction, and don't got any old mod's installed before (special some who change the core).

And if your really having problems after reinstalling just use the installer