[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Thank you for bugreports, soon big hotfix.

Quote from: uriilus on September 10, 2015, 04:19:34 AM
I can not figure out where a bug with the transfer, gives an error       (  Не могу понять, откуда баг с переносом, выдаёт ошибку  )

it's several mod conflict. already fixed in next 2.1b.


I'm confused. It is the second time of three I created new colony in 2.1a, and there is no copper ore on the map, few copper walls only. But I can't build comms console or orbital trade beacon without copper ore (wires are necessary, right?). Really hard core mode =) Are my colonists doomed? May be it must be way to conversion cooper bar into cooper ore at least?



Updated to 2.1b

Many serious fixes. Please - new game and new world.

Changes, but temporarly in Russian:

1. Мод EnhancedAnimalTab заменен на EnhancedTab
2. Хотфикс Edb Interface до 3.0.4, который приводил к крашу сейвов.
3. Апдейт перевода Русский-СК (Russian-SK).
4. Мод Caveworld Flora скомпилен с поддержкой файла keyed для перевода меню.
5. Мод WorkPresets обновлен до 1.1, но по умолчанию не добавлен в актив.
6. Некоторые правки в Core_SK.dll для поддержки перевода некоторых меню.
7. Поправлен серьезный баг с контейнерами (конфликт с Seedplease).
8. Поправлена стоимость маяка охоты.
9. Голографический стол, манекен, груша, мишень.. теперь работают нормально и не выбрасывают красных ошибок.
10. У ткацкого станка убрано требования повара.
11. Увеличен размер стаков для набора интегральных схем, набора микрокомпонентов и биомикрокомпонентов.
12. Уменьшен сильно болевой порог от радиации. (не будут падать в обморок слишком быстро)
13. Вернули почти всем строениям использующие податчик(хоппер) потребление по одной еденице ресурса.
14. Уран теперь нормально копается из залежей урана.
15. Не большой ребаланс эффекта радиации для каждого ресурса.
16. Поправлен размер кухонной полки, маленького шкафа с инструментами и кровати для животных.
17. Для алюминия и меди сделана своя подгруппа в металлах "с высокой проводимостью". Для урановых.. подгруппа "Радиоактивные".
18. Провода теперь делаются или из меди или из алюминия.
19. Обломки теперь выделяются как в ванильке по двойному щелчку.
20. Еще один фикс лазеров (луч выглядит менее эффектно, но должен быть теперь без зависания).
21. Обновлен LT_RedistHeat до последней версии.
22. Убрано задвоение промышленного кондиционера.
23. Починена цепочка производства синтетической кожи для операций по удалению шрамов. Создается на столе синтез. органов.
24. Обновление Harsher Map Condition и частично Hot and Cold Biomes до последней версии.
25. Стена с электропроводкой теперь не доступна с начала игры.
26. Стул теперь можно передвигать.


First time trying this and I think I found a bug of critical nature. When I started the game (newest patch, new world etc.) and wanted to build the research bench. It was set to aluminum and I couldn't change the material to wood or anything, because "You have no usable materials from which to build this", game over. Sure I can use god mod to change it, but meh.

There are also other buildings which require too advanced materials.. titanium pallet.. please :D


you have to have the material you want to make it from in your stockpile, it's a rimworld thing.
Quote from: Zobaken on September 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
1. Please make people unable to move through deep waters. I don't like raiders cosplaying Jesus.


In the description there's a small mislabeling I wanted to mention;

- More Vanilla Turrets (Adds hauling items.) by Marnador


Quote from: blub01 on September 11, 2015, 07:08:44 AM
you have to have the material you want to make it from in your stockpile, it's a rimworld thing.

No. I can't even open the list of all materials. This happens no matter which mouse button I press (picture below).


Quote from: Temeez on September 11, 2015, 07:33:17 AM
Quote from: blub01 on September 11, 2015, 07:08:44 AM
you have to have the material you want to make it from in your stockpile, it's a rimworld thing.

No. I can't even open the list of all materials. This happens no matter which mouse button I press (picture below).

Just get 60 wood planks and you will be able to. You don't have ANY resources it can be built from in your stockpiles, thus it says you don't have them.
Little posts, quality posts.

Notice me, senpaaiiiiiii!!!!


Quote from: zenfur on September 11, 2015, 08:09:48 AM
Quote from: Temeez on September 11, 2015, 07:33:17 AM
Quote from: blub01 on September 11, 2015, 07:08:44 AM
you have to have the material you want to make it from in your stockpile, it's a rimworld thing.

No. I can't even open the list of all materials. This happens no matter which mouse button I press (picture below).

Just get 60 wood planks and you will be able to. You don't have ANY resources it can be built from in your stockpiles, thus it says you don't have them.

Aaah, that's what it means, thank you!


Quote from: zenfur on September 06, 2015, 02:37:49 PM
Quote from: blub01 on September 05, 2015, 02:09:42 PM
Quote from: zenfur on September 05, 2015, 01:22:35 PM
Quote from: blub01 on September 05, 2015, 07:32:49 AM
I think this was mentioned somewhere, I just can't find where, but how do i make the drill head for the drilling rig?
100 iron bars at machining table (hi-tech tab) or at deep mine industries trader


EDIT: I sent half of my pawns to help a visitor whose brother had been captured by slavers, they haven't returned for a few months now. is that normal?

No it's not. As far as I know, it shouldn't take more than 10 days. How much time has passed? It works fine for me, I doubt there's such a bug. Also when you send them on mission there's said how long they will be gone.

loaded the game up quite a while later, now they're gone from the list in the work tab.
Quote from: Zobaken on September 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM
1. Please make people unable to move through deep waters. I don't like raiders cosplaying Jesus.

Old Joe

new version still bugged for me (
i'v just copied all missing language files to english folder
и потом пробовал просто на русском играть, на чистой сборке
still i'v got al those errors every time i load game
and some things do not work properly after some time ingame, like prisoners dont get food and meat cant be cooked at grill(with all preqs fulfilled)

it looks like problem with names or designations or smthing


Quote from: Old Joe on September 11, 2015, 09:52:54 AM
new version still bugged for me (
i'v just copied all missing language files to english folder
и потом пробовал просто на русском играть, на чистой сборке

You should learn this post in Russian. If you have any problem after that, you may ask people there on your native language ;)


Mushroom tinctures fall out of my doctor's hand every time he tires to use it to treat a colonist. He picks it up and tries over and over. Right-clicking and consuming yourself seems to work, but treating another with it does not.

If there was a way to either make it work for treating or to remove it from the medicines list, that would keep many of my colonists alive.

If it's removed as a normal medicine, perhaps making it an antibiotic would help. Colonists could drink it for the alcohol effect, and it could help them ward off disease.

Just some ideas...



I'm afraid I'm getting a horrible graphical bug when I try to load saves.  Screenshot included.

[attachment deleted due to age]