Adding government/heriarchy

Started by Chadamir, May 14, 2015, 09:42:27 PM

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Another thing I thought would be interesting is having governments/leaders for your colony. Say having a council of pawns or a democracy or even a militaristic leader. Could add pawn preferances to being lead or being a leader or even having some pawns be anarchists. Could add events or have pawns create laws. Would give nobles depth at least. Having them demand being a leader/part of a council. I think more individuality for pawns is a good thing. And more events and pawn interactions is always a good thing. Have your colonists start wanting to form a separate colony and having to deal with stoping an insurrection of a group of anarchists.


Are you the government or is the AI the government?
This is a highly inefficient emergent AI mechanic.
It serves no purpose in Rimworld until someone models AI colonies.
The way I sse it, you dictate your colonists. Not the other way about.

Mikhail Reign

I could see a council being a interesting feature - instead of just building what you want, when you want, after a certain amount of time, or at a certain amount of colonists, they start making their own little government and give you small scripted 'missions' that would result in general buffs and reductions of joy etc. For an example the colonist council might decided that 'we need a rec room' and to achieve this you would have to build X room with Y things in it to achieve it. Get it done and everyone is a little happier, dont and they are all a little sad. Could also be for thing like 'Need more free time', 'We dont want to take prisoners anymore', 'Extend the work day' or anything else like that. Basically the colonies '5 year plans'.


That would take emergent scripting which Tynan will not engage in.
It seems possible as a mod though.