Suggested Trading Overhaul

Started by Grubfist, May 18, 2015, 02:56:25 AM

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I don't know how many people agree, but I find the trading really annoying in its current form.

First, I'd add an option for Storage (at least on stockpiles) to "Allow Trading"

Then I'd suggest replacing the trading beacon with a trading station or platform of sorts.

On the comms, you'd agree to a trade, with all the items on stockpiles with "Allow Trading" set to "Yes" or "On" or what have you show up in the trade menu. Once a trade is agreed upon, tasks to haul the items to be traded to the trading station/platform would be available, and could be prioritized by selecting a colonist who can haul and right-clicking the trade station/platform.

That way, no oddly configuring storage settings and priorities for each individual item (or copy of an item) you want to trade. With the option to leave important priority stockpiles that can't have their items accidentally traded. Plus, no items degrading in the outdoors while you wait for a trade ship for months at a time.

I am not a coder and I am sure this would be a difficult overhaul, but I wanted to throw my idea out there all the same. Thanks for reading.


No problem with your suggestion, trading overhaul come up in various form here and here.

I like the idea of hauling only the items you want to trade to some particular trading zone, but the choice of what to sell would still be manual. No automated trading. Sort of like "Banished".
"Sam Starfall joined your colony"
"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
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[Story] Imagine a Storyteller !


I very much like to see automated trading. Like in Anno, where you can decide how much of any item should be bought/sold respectively should be in your storage.

The current system is very cumbersome. I mean, I still want to go through individual trade windows and see special/rare wares or buy something out of the ordinary, but things like "sell all apparel with quality below x" is something I really don´t want to do over and over again.


Originall what you suggest was the plan. There was a landing pad for tradeships and everything but it was cumbersome to manage so Tynan cut it. He may come back to it in the future, you never know.
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Just add a special trading designation, very similar to the "forbidden" one, that would get the item hauled to a stockpile that is covered by a trading beacon, no matter what other stockpiles are available.


sounds very micro cumbersome... Very easy to set up stock piles with trade beacons to sort what I want to sell and what I don't want to sell, and when the trade ship finally shows up, I sell everything available on the trade screen.