Multiplayer ideas?

Started by killer117, May 24, 2015, 02:51:04 AM

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I was thinking of a few ideas for a rimworld multiplayer. I was thinking that a rimworld multiplayer would be something like normal rimworld. The server would generate a a world and some AI enimes same as normal. But then you could have multiple people on the same map, comunicating through the coms console. Then these players could form teams or alliences. These guys could then (assumeing an attacking system has been implemented) co-ordinate attacks on other teams, either doing so individually or in huge whole teams raids where each player gives a few (or many, up to u) troops to the teams army, and they control thier own troops in the attack, but theres one guy who is elected as war leader and co-ordinates and directs the army as whole. You could also have a war tresury where each player donates some silver or resources and the war leader puts it too use, either buying gear, feeding/ equiping the troops, or hireing external help. Such as raiders in a siege have stuff constantly dropped down to them, you can hire the traders to supply ur army during its attack and seige. Combat suppliers drop weapons, shells and medicine. Slave traders could send you lots of weak and badly equipped slave which you could throw at the enemy like cannon fodder, using them to soften them up before the real attack. Others could drop stuff for food, buildings, mortars, turrets ect. You could also send this army to help a fellow teammate being sieged by the enemy army. You dont have to be part of an army, but it gives u a portion of the loot, delived to ur base automatically. And it also gives you gear from ur team and maybe captives as well. Id like to hear others ideas about multiplayer though, and weather mine are any good
Whats Rimworld without a little cannabilism/ murder/ maniacs/ crazy tribes/ nasty pirates/ nutcase animals/ genocidal robots etc.


-1. Just wait for Rimworld 1.0/Beta. Creating multiplayer NOW (in alpha) don't have big sense (updates etc).


It is a very difficult question to answer as you do in this game multiplayer


Multiplayer is a well sought-after idea that has been laid out extensively but discussion of multiplayer always had too many people pushing their own ideas or the dismissal of other ideas/discredition of ideas.

Believe me, I have tried very much and it's just not worth suggesting MP when all ideas pertaining to it falling flat to all sorts of dispute.


Still against it. Rimworld is one great single player game.
I've seen games ruined by multi-player as it diverted time and resources, I do not wish to see it happen to RW. Besides, as said, the game is in alpha state, not to mention Ludeon isn't one big-ass company either.


Multiplayer is just like Z-levels: it's not really worth the effort, especially at this point. Yeah it's fun to theory grind, but it's likely not going to happen. That said, Tynan has said that if multiplayer ever happens, it'll probably be coop.


Perhaps when Tynan finds assistance in implementing this feature one way or another, it might happen.

Multiplayer is separate from Singleplayer.  You get it or don't.

Do not restrict Rimworld with all it's possibilities to co-operative gameplay.