Mod Request: Separate 'Colonies'

Started by AllenWL, May 29, 2015, 06:27:14 AM

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So I was playing, I love stories, so I tend to give each and every person a little 'life'. And as I played, I started seeing some people who might not like being in the colony. For examples, cannibals are really the minority doing what others hate, and in a colony of mainly prostophiles, prostophobes would, well, lets just say 'be very uncomfortable'.
Some have been kidnapped, others where once pirates. There are pop-stars and glitterworld-citizens living with tribals, slum kids, and farm oafs. Slaves live next door with high-class lords.
Then with mods, we have things like working droids, even more factions, etc.

So what if there was a disagreement?

What if the tribals split off from the colony and decided to live their 'traditional' ways? What if pirates attempted a coup, and the colony members had to scatter? What if there was a robot uprising?

Trying to play with two different groups with conflicting interests is, to say the least, interesting. How will the dominate group act towards the smaller group? How will the smaller group fight back? What happens during raids? It's pretty fun, but it also has a big problem.

The game doesn't recognize 'different colonies'. Doctors walk halfway across the map to treat rebels, rebels come over to the colony for the fall harvest, colonists bring over resources and weapons to the robot uprising, the robot workers help construct colony buildings, the list goes on and on.

It takes a little more micromanaging and careful watching than you would think, and while the story is great, the making of the story is a bit too tedious. So then I had an idea. What if we had separate 'colonies', and could make buildings be only used by certain 'colonies'?

Basically, you would be able to assign a colonist a certain 'colony'. The colony would own any buildings made by it, and prioritize it's buildings and members first, but also help with any 'public' or 'joint' work.

On top of being able to play with two groups, this would also let you have more control over what happens. For example, if you put your best fighters in a group, then add a medic in that group, he would prioritize healing his group, your soldiers first.
You could separate different build groups with different projects so you can have them focus on building certain things first, and not have things like colonists making carpets instead of sandbags and turrets when a pirate band is attacking.
You can also prevent things like a bad doctor operating on your best colonist and 'accidentally' cutting out the heart by having your best doctors pared up with your best colonists.
Plus you could also choose what is hauled first without having to fiddle with priorities and ordering, and make only your psychopath deal with corpses, by making different groups and assigning them different stockpiles and such, all without micromanaging the colonists.


I've also wanted to do this, the easiest way I can imagine doing this is by having set able home regions although I have no idea how much work that would take.
Only way I can think of is dividing the map in half, and then walling in the smaller colonies, but make sure each has what they need to be sustainable like growing areas.

Don't think it's all that likely though.

However NPC villages could work, similar to the little villages in minecraft. A group of 3 - 4 non hostiles in small huts, occasionally making fires and pretty much spend their days in a little crop field, eating and sleeping. If raiders come across them on their way to the player colony then the raiders will attack them like visitors (and burn their houses and crop fields like what's coming in A11.)

You can choose to help them live, capture them for yourself, or become the raider you Vowed to destroy and slaughter them for resources.
Thus, adding to the story.  :D

(Might actually make a new thread about the villages thing.)
"We didn't crash here by accident... something brought us down". - Anon Rimworld Colonist


Ok the only way to do it in my opinion is recreae whole AI , to do it : its masive code to write and will be able only if Master Tynan will make space to hook this kind of code in vanilla or via (untill now fall try ) direct injection or mono hook (probaly most dificult) overvite whole pawn code ... so another problem is to decide if as evend part of for eg tribe will split and control over them will take AI or still you take care of them .... home zonning is a drop in a sea of AI recode ... but if some one wona try its posible (if have time and expirence in AI coding )


On the plus side, if Jedi Master Tynan DID do it, it would then only be a small step towards supporting multiplayer, which would make me more giddy than pinky pie planning a birthday party.