[0.11.834/Mac] Flickering rows at top of screen

Started by Mystic, June 11, 2015, 10:55:08 AM

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I have always had an occasional problem with a small pattern of rapidly flickering and changing blocks in the UL corner of the screen, ever since the first RimWorld alpha that I got.  However, with A11, I am seeing that effect having greatly expanded to span the entire width of the top of the screen (see attached screen shot).  The whiter blocks shown are not static, but continuously jumping and changing in size, and there are often several rows thereof now rather than just the single row visible in this screenshot (except for one section visible in the UR corner where the block extends to a 2nd row).

[attachment deleted due to age]


That is... utterly mysterious and probably out of my control.

Can you update your graphics drivers and try it again?

Also post your Player.log file?
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Sorry for the delay in responding (real life crisis intruding).

Since the system is a Mac, there are no "official" graphics driver updates except for what Apple provides via its own updates, and my system is fully updated.  (I've heard that some people find a way to apply non-Apple-sanctioned Nvidia graphics updates to their Macs, but I have also heard that those updates cause as many or more problems than they solve, so I don't do anything like that.)

The Player.log file is attached.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Log looks clean. I'm afraid there's not much I can do. This is a unique bug that could be caused by anything from bad memory to an overheated GPU to a graphics driver mis-install or bug to an issue in Unity. The only thing unifying all these factors is that I can't do anything about them :/ Sorry.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog