Any pro tips?

Started by SpookCrow, June 12, 2015, 11:00:24 AM

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Muffins... the human who discovered a way to protect our turrets!
May the void gods favour you and your colonies!
Moderator on come join us! We don't bite


Wait, can you have prisoner beds outside?

Pro Tip:
Give raiders false cover. In an open plain, they'll rush you. If they have walls, they'll hide behind them. If they have plants, they'll squat behind them. Clear the area in front of your base, and plant some kind of crop you don't care about. Maybe toss in the occasional sand bag. When raiders come, they'll sit in the fields and you get to play Duck Hunt. Maybe they'll even light the fields on fire for you and cook themselves!


Quote from: milon on June 15, 2015, 07:56:16 AM
Maybe they'll even light the fields on fire for you and cook themselves!

Evil idea! But I fear that this won't happen. The new feature states "Raiders opportunistically light crops on fire."

I guess that means they won't try to do this while they are being shot at.

Dr. Z

Quote from: milon on June 15, 2015, 07:56:16 AM
Wait, can you have prisoner beds outside?

What would happen if you construct a prison and then deconstruct everything besides the bed? Would your colonists care if you have no other free prison beds?
Prasie the Squirrel!


Quote from: Dr. Z on June 15, 2015, 11:12:21 AM
What would happen if you construct a prison and then deconstruct everything besides the bed? Would your colonists care if you have no other free prison beds?

Good question. I only know that when there is no prisoner bed inside a room, you have no option to capture someone. And when you punch a hole through a wall, the prisoner flees.

I guess if you destroy the beds inside nothing will happen and they just choose a random place on the ground to sleep. Just like when you don't assign any sleeping spot to your colonists.


Best tip ever:

Do what you need to do, before playing Rimworld.


i got a question not sure if ok to ask here but don't feel like making a post just for this... can you eliminate the shared bedroom negative mood by having people in same bedroom sleep at different times? for example 3 man bedroom each person in it sleep at different times never overlapping would they no longer have the -5 sharing bedroom thing? or that just not possible?


Quote from: Takamiki on June 15, 2015, 12:29:07 PM
i got a question not sure if ok to ask here but don't feel like making a post just for this... can you eliminate the shared bedroom negative mood by having people in same bedroom sleep at different times? for example 3 man bedroom each person in it sleep at different times never overlapping would they no longer have the -5 sharing bedroom thing? or that just not possible?

no, sleeping at different times, you will still get the sharing bedroom thing... think about it, they are sharing a bedroom.

Dr. Z

Quote from: Skissor on June 15, 2015, 11:24:31 AM
I guess if you destroy the beds inside nothing will happen and they just choose a random place on the ground to sleep. Just like when you don't assign any sleeping spot to your colonists.

No I mean if you don't destroy the beds but everything else.
Prasie the Squirrel!


@Takamiki, if you micromanage with only 1 bed per room and keep changing who it's assigned to, you could avoid the penalty (I think). But that's a lot of micro!

@Skissor, these prisoners wouldn't flee. They have no legs!  You can feed them, practice medicine skill, maybe even "repair" them after a fight!  Just don't take away their armor when you capture them - they'll die too quickly if you do.

EDIT - Wait.  Prisoners would absorb enemy bullets, sure, but they would also absorb turret bullets.  Kind of defeats the whole purpose of turrets, no?  >_<

Lady Wolf

Morality aside, the problem with putting prisoners in beds in front of gun turrets is the turrets bullets will also randomly hit the prisoners rather than the intended targets, so it's a somewhat useless bullet sponge given it inhibits your own offensive firepower.

(Not to mention once the turret goes boom it also takes out your meat sponges, which will be more of a PITA to replace then sandbags after every skirmish.)


What if the turrets' meat-armour is behind sandbags?

So ... Turret > Sandbags > Meatbags > Sandbags.

The sandbags would protect the meatbags from fire in both directions (incoming and outgoing) while the meatbags protect the turrets with their ability to intercept bullets aimed at the turrets. Would that work?


At that point the turrets aren't actually sending much fire the enemy's way.

Might as well play Superior Crafting and put up shield generators.


Is it smart to melee a sycther because he landed in my base ignored the colonists and started to ignite the solar generators. He didn't even go after the colonists when they went past him. All I got is a pistol and melee what do I do😡
"Fear is the enemy within you that can lead to your demise." -Spook


Quote from: Shadow_SlayerX on June 16, 2015, 08:47:57 AM
Is it smart to melee a sycther because he landed in my base ignored the colonists and started to ignite the solar generators. He didn't even go after the colonists when they went past him. All I got is a pistol and melee what do I do😡
You can melee a scyther... but not that early on in the game. Even if I had 20-skill melee specialist with a legendary plasteel longsword, I would be hesitant to have him attack the scyther unless the circumstances called for it. (Also, on that matter, I don't think I would ever have a melee specialist attack a centipede, short of a total colony death scenario.)

Use the pistol as best as you can. You usually start off with a survival rifle also; you might want to consider using that instead depending on how much cover you have around.