Traps and Restricted Zones

Started by Marrow42, June 24, 2015, 08:22:36 PM

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I really like the implementation of traps and found them very fun, but more frustrating than anything since my colonists seem to enjoy triggering them and finding themselves missing eyes or outright blown up.

Its almost as though the colonists forget that the traps are there.  Normally its only a problem if there is a 1 tile wide hall, but I have had plenty of times where pathing takes them through areas where my traps are because that is where they would be effective against attackers.

I feel like I would rather have the traps target chest and legs than head, that would keep my colonists safer.  Barring that since it would make the traps less dangerous for enemies it would be very nice if colonists didn't path trough those areas where there are alternative routes. 

Even making use of the restricted areas doesn't work because it only prevents assigned jobs from being performed AT those locations, but does not stop colonists from walking through them to get somewhere else.  I would really like to see the restricted areas be restricted areas, and not just restricted destinations.


Regarding the behaviour of the restricted areas, you'll be happy to know that someone already reported a bug about that, and Tynan said he has fixed it so that they'll try hard to find a way around the restricted area, instead of only considering the shortest way to their destination.
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineering student in university in New Zealand.

I like games, but unfortunately they don't help me get a degree.. so I'm going to be inactive for awhile.
- 22 July 2015


Traps are just bad overall. Your colonists can set them off as you mentioned and the enemies will just walk past them because it slows down there movement so they prefer to take the path that doesn't have a trap right next to it. Dead fall traps should be hitting legs, not heads to slow down the enemy, the only real purpose for a trap that does almost no damage. The mines should blow up the instant someone touches them not give the horde that is about to destroy you plenty of time to just walk by it.


Quote from: Axelios on June 24, 2015, 09:00:27 PM
Regarding the behaviour of the restricted areas, you'll be happy to know that someone already reported a bug about that, and Tynan said he has fixed it so that they'll try hard to find a way around the restricted area, instead of only considering the shortest way to their destination.

Good to hear it is a bug, I thought it might have been the way it was intended.  I guess the way it is working now is treating those areas as being forbidden like you do with items.  The problem with that is even forbidden items can be interacted with if it would allow you to build a wall I believe.  I feel like they should be treated like wall to those colonists, though that might interfere with movement when drafted.  I need to stop thinking about it, I don't know how the coding is set for this =P


Quote from: mokonasakura on June 25, 2015, 11:40:54 AM
Traps are just bad overall. Your colonists can set them off as you mentioned and the enemies will just walk past them because it slows down there movement so they prefer to take the path that doesn't have a trap right next to it. Dead fall traps should be hitting legs, not heads to slow down the enemy, the only real purpose for a trap that does almost no damage. The mines should blow up the instant someone touches them not give the horde that is about to destroy you plenty of time to just walk by it.

IMO Deadfall traps are completely unrealistic
This is a deadfall trap:
Not even tribals would be fooled. Bear traps would be better, because they can be hidden by foliage and etc.


agreed. when i first heard about traps i thought it would be bear traps, spike traps, poison arrow traps, etc..

now that i think about it, why isn't there any poison in rimworld?

just imagine a bunch of tribals with poison weapons. glorious!

Dante King


Quote from: keylocke on June 26, 2015, 09:44:34 AM
agreed. when i first heard about traps i thought it would be bear traps, spike traps, poison arrow traps, etc..

now that i think about it, why isn't there any poison in rimworld?

just imagine a bunch of tribals with poison weapons. glorious!

Death to deadfall traps! :o