Thoughts based on food ingredients

Started by Loki88, June 25, 2015, 01:17:49 AM

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I'm hoping someone can help me to figure out how to add a "Ate suspicious food" thought when a colonist eats a meal made from the new ingredients in my Protein Extraction mod. Much like how meals containing human meat generate the "cooked cannibalism" thought. I just can't find a reference to it in the defs as meat is not part of the .xml core defs and I can't think of a "vegetable" that adds a thought as an ingredient instead of a direct food.

Even a point or a wave in the general direction I need to look would be greatly appreciated.

Illusion Distort

In your meal item_def add the line
      <ingestedDirectThought>"Your thought def"</ingestedDirectThought>

This vil give the colonist "Your thought def", it can be AteNutrientPasteMeal, AteFineMeal or AteLavishMeal or any other thought def you want to give the pawn for eating a protein shake.

If i derp, let me know.


That would apply the thought to all meals though. I only want meals with my ingredients to trigger the thought. For instance if a pawn eats a fine meal containing potatoes and boar meat, as an example, they would get the "ate fine meal" thought. What I'm looking to do is keep meals with vanilla ingredients as is but add in that if the meal contains protein paste from my mod in place of the boar meat it would still get the "ate fine meal" thought but also get the "ate suspicious food" thought I want to add. Just like when you cook a fine meal with human meat you would get the "cooked cannibalism" thought in addition to the "ate fine meal" thought.


Sorry for late reply.  Not sure if you still need help or not, but I believe you want to add the following to your custom ingredient Def: