Gene mods

Started by killer117, June 25, 2015, 08:34:17 AM

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Id like to see gene modification become a thing. And not just to give my best fighter way OP stats, but i wanna take away plants resting piriods, make them produce more, and be harder to kill. This sorta thing could work in groups, like affects individual fields. Say ive got a field of potato plants. I then introduce the modified genes. It works like an infection. It spreads through the plants, many of which will die. If enough live however, the trait can then be passed on to the next generations of crops. If not enough survive then the generation will die off and you wont get the bonus's. This rish would increase the more different gene traits ur implamting at once, and the strength of the genes. The better the bonus, the higher the failure chance. This means u could either gain considerable food bonus's, or lose the entire harvest. Its risky, but very good. If it works. But then modding ur colonists is a whole other ball park. Besides the incredably difficult technology needed to build a lab workstation to produce the gene mods, a human has a lot more stats influencing it survival chances. Their physical health, their traits. And then the different abilities to give them. U could increase physical health or nental apptitude. This means u can upgrade something like thier eyes to see better, or thier skin to be tougher. But then if it fails u could lose the person, or they become a vegtable. Or maybe they have (an insanly rare) chance of having the mods take hold too well, the person goes nuts with super strength, super speed, and a resistance to melee weapons and bullets. This balences the huge rewards for the possible chatastrophic losses. On one hand u could gain a handful on supersoldiers, on the ither, u could lose ur best people, or they could tear ur base apart. But these mods wpuld give u a greater oppertunity to face enemy raids head on, because ur guys are tough enough to take it, or to just make them slightly faster, better skilled, to fix bad backs, aid old age. Let them haul more. The possibilitys are endless.
Whats Rimworld without a little cannabilism/ murder/ maniacs/ crazy tribes/ nasty pirates/ nutcase animals/ genocidal robots etc.