
Started by Mechanoid Hivemind, June 28, 2015, 03:36:17 AM

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Mechanoid Hivemind

Is there any way possible that i can make a perfect world for my self? I am not finding a SUPER cold world like i want ridiculous temps, i am not a coder so i wouldn't have a clue where to look
The individual is obsolete. When you and your kind are extinct, we will cleanse our collective memory of the stain of your existence.


Haven't gone peeking at world generation yet.. but the seed "IceShelf" or "Ice Shelf" had a -91.7 to -95 deg celsius(-133f) mountain range in the north, I think I generated the world on max size if that matters.

I'll see if I can find anything about world generation/stats in the various Xmls/save files

Edit: I did some peaking... Appears to be a Assembly_CSharp.dll thing in
Namespace: RimWorld.Planet
Class: WorldGenerator_Grid

I've got no idea how to edit values in a .dll so... ya.

Mechanoid Hivemind

Quote from: MoparGamer on June 28, 2015, 04:28:49 AM
Haven't gone peeking at world generation yet.. but the seed "IceShelf" or "Ice Shelf" had a -91.7 to -95 deg celsius(-133f) mountain range in the north, I think I generated the world on max size if that matters.

I'll see if I can find anything about world generation/stats in the various Xmls/save files

Edit: I did some peaking... Appears to be a Assembly_CSharp.dll thing in
Namespace: RimWorld.Planet
Class: WorldGenerator_Grid

I've got no idea how to edit values in a .dll so... ya.
I know it possible but i lack the know how to do so
The individual is obsolete. When you and your kind are extinct, we will cleanse our collective memory of the stain of your existence.


Look into MarvinKosh's Harsher Biomes mod:

He's modified Cold Snap and Volcanic Winter to make them applicable to ice sheet biomes so pretty much any ice sheet/tundra map tile can be made extremely cold (fire the Volcanic Winter incident in dev mode) and the locations that were already extremely cold (-95C e.g.) can be made ridiculously so (-160C).