Volcanic Biomes and thirst requirement idea

Started by ChuggingClorox, June 28, 2015, 10:50:12 AM

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Tittle says it all volcanic biomes, i figured because ice shelves are the most difficult in terms of cold temperature there should be an extreme in terms of hot ( desert biomes are kind of easy to deal with ) these biomes could have volcanic eruption events that require colonists to stay indoors or risk being smashed by falling volcanic debris or engulfed in lava flows and toxic gass clouds and other volcanic hazards and rather than water the lakes could be just lava or some other form of liquid found in volcanic areas (or something cool since this is a rimworld planet) also your colonists could have to make use of gas masks and other protective gear to go out into the environment and collect materials to survive and obvious new temperature controlling devices.

Thirst requirement

Pretty self explanatory colonists would require a water source to stay hydrated as well as food and in environments where water is not available they could find it in different ways?