Help: Pawns just stand there

Started by InfinityKage, July 07, 2015, 05:45:07 AM

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I didn't know where to post this because I don't know if it's a bug or mods or just me being dumb. I've been away from this game for a while and I just started playing again. Loaded up a new game with some of my fav mods (made sure they were up to date) and everything seemed to be working fine right up until the game started. My pawns don't do anything. I give mining and gathering orders and they just stand there at the landing spot. I made sure it was something they were allowed to do. Is there something I'm missing?

Attached my mod config in case that helps.

[attachment deleted due to age]


same :
here is a screenshot of the red wall of text
EDIT: yes i know how to get into debug mode


Have you checked that you havn't got a allowed zone around a tiny area?



I seem to be suffering the same fate. However, I suspect it is a mod not being updated to A11b to blame, since I didn't throw the code at startup about this error "Can not find a type named Workgiver_FinishUnfinishedThings" until I added in all my selected mods. Want to list your chosen modes, to see if we can narrow it down a smidge? I updated all of mine yesterday that had updates, perhaps 4 or so didn't have updated versions yet.


I turned off the Additional Joy Objects mod, that cleared the task-giver argument exception and freed up my pawns so far. That one may still need an update to the changes of A11b.


Yeah i saw that on startup sometimes. But not every time it comes