[Mod Request] Indoor Soil - Composting

Started by Haktes, February 10, 2017, 12:21:07 PM

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Indoor Soil - Composting for [A16]

Can some make a simple small mod that does the following:

- Add a #1 Composter bin (like Fermenting barrel - time 6 or 9? months - balancing)
- It can be loaded by Hay (Smoke leaf or Hop) (i dont care if manually or part of growing/hauling) - so its simple more options welcome
- Amount (cost) is up to balancing make it a lot = stack 2 or 3 ... balancing
-> produces #2 Dirt Bag 4 pieces (up to balancing)
- #3 new option in floor -> vanilla soil  - cost 2 Dirt bags
- it can be placed as standard floor (on sand, snow and cave floor)
- takes MORE time to place (replacing the sand/stone takes time)

-(in future it can produce a little heat and debuff smelly - or unpleasant environment when indoors, doh)
RECAP: Composter bin + material + time = dirt bag -> soil
Option 2: #4 something_to_buy/harvest like sand to add to it

I know it is OP so make small amouts over long periods of time for a lot of material (material can be different this is just a concept - but something that can be grown/made)
KISS - keep it as simple as possible :)

Can some1 skilled make this?
THANK you!
(sorry for typos)


I think it's the vegetable garden mod that already has something like this. You dig soil and can place it over floors and you can grow fertilizer to make fertile soil.


Vegetable garden adds a lot of things foods mechanism changes the oven and soil of 2x(faster)+

i want just this simple thing without the ton of other