Green Thumb trait

Started by Matchstick, July 13, 2015, 06:32:15 AM

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Not sure if this is a "cheap" suggestion (since it involves colonist mood, and so possibly their AI as well?) but anyway, here goes...

I like the Green Thumb trait a lot (for obvious reasons), but wonder why something similar doesn't exist for making art?
A trait like "Artistic" (not necessarily coupled with ability, mind you) would give a colonist a mood boost when creating artwork.

Perhaps also something similar for cooking?  I know some people who actually enjoy cooking for the pleasure of creating a nice meal that others like to eat.
So a trait like "Chef" could provide a boost for every meal cooked (above simple meals, and it shouldn't trigger from just filling nutrient paste hoppers, either).

I could think of other jobs that might do the same, but independent of traits: any doctor who heals a wounded fellow colonist (or even a prisoner) might get a mood boost from it.  This could affect everyone except those with the psychopath trait, say.

The possibilities are endless: cleaning and hauling are dull and unpleasant jobs, so maybe they should generate mood penalties every time they're done, or only after X consecutive hauling trips and/or cleaning tasks.


I know some people who love to clean and just simply hauling things around can be a bit meditative


Quote from: leax256 on July 13, 2015, 08:07:35 AM
I know some people who love to clean and just simply hauling things around can be a bit meditative

Yes, fair enough.  I guess my point is that the Green Thumb trait could be generalised to several other kinds of jobs.

Maybe this mood-affecting thing could become similar to the "Passion" flames, except that instead of increasing learning ability, it would provide mood boosts (positive or negative)?

That way, something one colonist enjoys (cooking, say) would instead produce a mood penalty in another colonist who happens not to like it.

I don't know, maybe that's getting too complicated (and too much like SpaceBase DF-9, which had a fully-generalised set of likes and dislikes along with their citizens' abilities at particular jobs).


Not quite what you are suggesting, but some of my thoughts...

"Clean freak" - is happy when cleaning

"Foodie" - better mood boosts from eating good food, worse mood penalties for eating bad food

"Packing mule" - pack larger amounts of items (for instance 100x instead of 75x)

"Aesthete" - improved mood boosts/penalties for beautiful/ugly environments

"Bookworm" - mood boost when researching

"Early bird/Night owl" - mood boost when up early in morning/late at night

"Deep sleeper" - does not suffer from disturbed sleep, cannot be drafted when sleeping

"Fast/slow metabolism" - needs more/less food.

"Picky eater" - only likes specific foods


Quote from: Songleaves on July 14, 2015, 01:56:07 AM-snip-

You could possibly add:
"Haemophobic" - suffers a mood decrease when bleeding or in sight of blood
"Agoraphobic" - suffers a mood decrease in spacious environments, mood increase in cramped environments
"Claustrophobic" - suffers a more severe mood penalty in cramped environments
"Gun nut" - mood boost when firing firearms
"Tinker" - mood boost when repairing
"Fashionista" - mood boost when in good condition clothes, mood decrease when in bad condition clothes, mood boost when making clothes


I just want to point out, any mood negatives for any regular things that aren't necessarily that bad, no thank you. Eating human flesh, okay, hauling stuff, which is a skill and a big part of the game constantly used, hell no. I get it would be interesting but I do not want to have to care about my colonists hauling stuff because it eventually gives a negative, or for other skills or just stuff like this.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


Yeah, positive task associations can give mood boosts but no negative mood boosts associated with a task. Especially not with tasks simply being forbidden completely.
With ZOMBIE2's example of hauling, positive ("Hiker") could give a character a relaxation joy bonus when hauling things across long distances, but the negative alternative ("Unfit") should just give a PRACTICAL penalty to it, ie making the character stop every 15 or 20 tiles while hauling and waiting a few turns before resuming
The only traits that should give negative affects are ones that would be the result of long-term choices on the player's part, such as prosthetics or euthanasia


Quote from: deshara218 on July 20, 2015, 05:25:39 PM
Yeah, positive task associations can give mood boosts but no negative mood boosts associated with a task. Especially not with tasks simply being forbidden completely.
With ZOMBIE2's example of hauling, positive ("Hiker") could give a character a relaxation joy bonus when hauling things across long distances, but the negative alternative ("Unfit") should just give a PRACTICAL penalty to it, ie making the character stop every 15 or 20 tiles while hauling and waiting a few turns before resuming
The only traits that should give negative affects are ones that would be the result of long-term choices on the player's part, such as prosthetics or euthanasia

Yeah. And prosthetics have the bionic one already, where they can prefer or dislike bionic body parts. Well said.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


people should make a trait mod with these!


I think that having the green thumb trait should also mean that they are at least interested in growing.


While I think the idea in general is sound, one observation: Won't this use up an already rare trait slot on a character? What happens if you randomly generate two traits that oppose each other?


Quote from: Listy on July 24, 2015, 01:12:41 AM
While I think the idea in general is sound, one observation: Won't this use up an already rare trait slot on a character? What happens if you randomly generate two traits that oppose each other?

True, but that can already happen with brawler and shooter, since they both give a -6 and +6 for melee or shooting, or the other way around. Although those are more significant, which is why this idea seems to be more taken up by the passionate options for skills, since they get mood buffs if they're passionate enough about it.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


The idea of having negative mood effects for certain jobs is a very good idea, currently there are pawns who are simply incapable of some things.
You might understand that a genetically engineered slave might be incapable of violence, but a medieval lord should not be incapable of hauling, they should just get really upset for being made to do it.
I can't count how many times I have been left  with one colonist left standing in the colony, and all he needs to do is feed the people in the hospital... but no, he is incapable...
There should really be a way to override some of these things at the cost of a mood effect.

(So basically this is a +1 to your idea.)