Why build a colony at all?

Started by CharlieC, December 05, 2013, 08:35:59 AM

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I'm still not so sure. We're still dealing with a society on the rim, people out for themselves. And I pictured the colonists being from an interstellar liner, so they are outsiders and would be just as lost in a metropolis as they would be where they're at. Though another game in the RimWorld universe where the goal is to make it home by hitching rides/doing jobs for people would be pretty cool. But that is completely beyond the scope of this game.

Other plot hole people never mention that is more problematic: At a certain point, the original three colonists always end up dead. Why the hell are a bunch of former raiders and drifters and travelers still trying to keep the colony going? Travelers came from somewhere, they could just go back to being on their marry way. Raiders could sign on with next raider party.

Edit: But in all honesty, it doesn't matter. The story is there for gameplay, and if I am willing to suspend disbelief for the ridiculous stuff Vin Diesel does, I can do it for a video game.


Quote from: Tynan on December 05, 2013, 12:35:39 PM
Real space isn't like in Star Wars or Star Trek. The difference between a planetary voyage and a voyage to another star is a factor of a trillion.
You guys can download the demo of Kerbal Space Program and fly to the closest celestial body, the Mun, with time warp x100. Now do the same thing for the closest planet.

One thing I do wonder about is how my grain gets into orbit though. Lifting a payload into orbit is often more expensive than the interplanetary trip itself. Dropping cargo pods from orbit is cheap, the other way around though...  :P

Planetary Annihilation Imminent


Quote from: Col_Jessep on December 09, 2013, 11:08:57 PMOne thing I do wonder about is how my grain gets into orbit though. Lifting a payload into orbit is often more expensive than the interplanetary trip itself. Dropping cargo pods from orbit is cheap, the other way around though...  :P

If you can get something into orbit, it's half-way to anywhere.

I just assume the ship lashes down with tractor beams or something. I mean, you could make it so you'd have to build a mass driver to lift payloads into orbit, but that would just make setting up trade more of a pain in the arse.
Raiders must die!


You start a colony to enslave people :D.


Quote from: TinnedEpic on December 10, 2013, 02:58:22 PM
You start a colony to enslave people :D.
And force them to harvest potatoes so you are best potato-seller in the sector.


Wonder if they know you are supposed to wait for them to grow a potato on the bottom before you eat them or are they eating the leaves? As they seem to be growing them pretty fast.


The ships may only be equiped to hold a skeleton crew but everyone has their price, no matter how many graves there are. Also it would only take one or two traders to be in orbit during a raid to see why there were so many bodies. Your colonists would be offered employment and rescued by the merchant companies to use as guards because of the way they handle themselves. Seeing as there are hoards of bandits.


Quote from: killerx243 on December 14, 2013, 03:40:45 PMeveryone has their price, no matter how many graves there are

In rimworlds that price is usually "whatever doesn't take me to one of these graves" ;)

Quote from: killerx243 on December 14, 2013, 03:40:45 PMYour colonists would be offered employment and rescued by the merchant companies to use as guards because of the way they handle themselves. Seeing as there are hoards of bandits

Erm... they would need to be REAAAALLY desperate for new hands to risk something that sketchy ^^' A simple "nope" and you just wasted a mountain of cash helping some freeloaders that ain't good for nuthin'.


Have you seen all the raiders? Clearly they must outnumber more civilized folk seeing as they hurl themselves at you with no regard for their own lives. There would always be the demand for people who can fight; after all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Quote from: killerx243 on December 14, 2013, 06:22:05 PM
Have you seen all the raiders? Clearly they must outnumber more civilized folk seeing as they hurl themselves at you with no regard for their own lives. There would always be the demand for people who can fight; after all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Game logic vs. real world logic. If you take things literally in videogames suddenly best titles of all times come apart in seams. Sorry, no.

And there is absolutely no indication there is not enough capable hands on homeworlds of these trade companies. Darn, was I to guess? I would guess they have more than enough, seeing how freely they travel through raiders-infested territories. Also - mercenary companies try to win their employers and provide solid service for your buck since day one. Some unknown folk on some deserted planet do not provide nothing solid for your loads of bucks till day rescue. Risk vs. reward is preeeeetty clear on that one! ;)


We don't know how much interstellar fair costs in this universe. Also, none of the merchants we've come across seem suited to having passengers on-board, except of course the slave traders. So besides sending out word for rescue from their government/company or maybe trying to charter a passenger ship to pick them up (very expensive in what is a clearly a dangerous part of space), its seems the best course of action is to hunker down and try to survive.

The planet itself likely has a whole load of debris orbiting it what with all the junk falling everywhere. The travelers and escape pods are probably survivors of previous crashes. The raiders too, except that they've been twisted by years of living on the edge. They likely hide their makeshift ships in the debris field above, ambushing ships that pass by. In turn, their victims ships expand the debris field and some of the survivors go on to become new raiders. It's a vicious cycle.  :'(