How to make "spare parts" early game in "Hardcore" modpack?

Started by dosboy69, August 04, 2015, 09:07:52 PM

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Anyone play the hardcore mudpack and know the path to get "spare parts" (essential for the butchering table and many other things)?

Here's a link to the mudpack.  There is SO little info on this one.

Thanks for any help you can provide.  There is SO much food around me but I can't butcher it and my colonists are starving.  :(  It seems I need gold but I can't find it on the map I am on.



IIRC, under 'High Tech', there is an 'Assembling Table'. It makes Spare Parts out of smelted metal (of any type), along with various other sorts of parts.

That said, the Hardcore mod could certainly use more documentation. You pretty much need to poke around and figure things out on your own. For instance, you can butcher food with the resulting table, but you can't cook it without 'Tableware'; and the metal tableware you can make from the smelting furnace doesn't seem to do the job. That's... a bit too complicated of a production chain for basic survival cooking, IMO!