How to capture raider?

Started by nemo78, December 29, 2013, 08:37:56 AM

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Aerouge, I'm going to expand on your "water" idea.

Why not use wells as a tool for limiting colonists? You can make water pumps all around the map. But each well can only support a certain number of people with water. Sometimes 1 well will dry up, forcing water rations on colonists or forced to find another. Sometimes your water storage runs out and all your colonists "dying" of thirst. Rain refill large quantities of water to those wells so your colonists can drink again.


   Water as a resource is a good idea.  Lots of awful random events I could see happening there.  An interesting way to do away with the hard population limit, but still making it tricky to have mega colonies, would be really expanding on the character traits.  Have the game be fine with having a large population,  but perhaps the miner you picked up a while back has a violent episode because of his hatred of crowds and goes on a killing spree/has to be put down.  Things along those lines. 
    Once doctoring and medication is truly in game having plague events for large populations would be a good way to thin out numbers if you are not taking good care of your people/are unlucky and have no access to medicine.