Siege raider freezing to death

Started by Jinxed, August 24, 2015, 11:14:14 AM

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I am playing in ice sheets biome with average temperate about -60°C at winter.
When my colony is under siege, sieging party fires a couple of shots from the mortair, gets to sleep on the outside, laying just on the ground and starts dying from the cold.

When 2 or 3 of raiders are in critical condition, they decide to assault. A second or two flat after that they just leave wounded behind and flee.

I am wondering if this is a design flaw or a bug.

Bohb Daishi

I'm on a similar ice sheet map and have been getting the same thing. It makes sense - they all suffer from hypothermia and eventually drop one by one. It usually happens pretty quickly because they all wear nearly the same clothes. When they start dropping, it triggers the assault. When a few more drop they run away.

The only bug I see here is that the invaders always attack with just cloth parkas, when the only survivable piece of clothing is the much warmer muffalo or warg parkas. Maybe the material of parka should be dependent on the average temperature?

Edit: This preference for cloth parkas seems to happen for ALL human visitors on a freezing ice sheet biome, including tribals, pirates, and outlanders, regardless of peaceful or aggressive. It's particularly fun when you get the "refugee being chased by pirates" event, since they never spawn with adequate clothing.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog