My take on Poison Ships & a bit of rambling about Randy Random

Started by zandadoum, August 25, 2015, 06:15:04 AM

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I have spend around 20h. on a12 now. no MODs (yet... i like edb interface, but doesn't work yet)

I will save you my long stories and get to the point of this particular post:

1) Poison Ships
I think they are kind off useless...
let me explain: I don't know if it is because I am playing on Randy Random, but I was getting more Poison Ships than actual raids... so that was very annoying so I started to get cheesy and just kill them fith fire (check picture below)

Last event, before I killed the last of 3 Poison Ships with that setup I realized: "hey... the walls actually seem to contain the poison cloud (makes sense) and as these ships don't emit any psychic waves... I could just keep it there forever"
Thought, and done... Maybe it's just random, but I haven't got a new Poison Ship event for a couple of hours (will update if required) so basically you keep one alive and contained... and no more Poison Ships?

So, this is why I think they are useless: the Poison Ship event happened way too often, to a point where, out of annoyance, I started using cheesy tactics, making them too easy to kill. Plus (I'll update if wrong) it seems I can prevent further Poison Ship events from spawning.

2) Randy Random... not random at all?
Since a12 there seems to be a pattern that doesn't look random at all.
- you'll have some time of peace
- shit breaks loose, always in quick succession and in this order a) Poison Ships b) Evil Ship c) one random shit: toxic fallout, cold snap seem to be the more frecuent ones, but also raids and whatnot
- if you survive, you'll have some time again, which you will use to rebuild broken stuff (including broken minds) and before you can even try to expand your colony, next shitstorm happens (tested Randy extreme and Randy challenge)

so, maybe Tynan could check that out and 1) improve the Poison Ships event by lowering it's spawn % and making it slightly (just slightly) harder to kill. and 2) check if there is maybe a problem with Randy spawning too much of the same stuff in almost the same order everytime?

Here's the picture:
- outer wall from a material that doesn't burn (granite in this case)
- inner wall and some extra blibs and blobs in a flammable material (wood)
- turret to activate the ship without having to send a colonist into danger
- Incendiary IED to start the flaming hell
- Solar panel to run the turret
- outter wall is home region, just in case
- some materials recyclable after finishing, but mechanoid corpses will probably have burned away before you arrive to haul them away
- also: either wait for fire to go out or remove roof before you send colonists in to salvage

should image not work: