[w|0.12.911] Thrumpos ignoring attackers

Started by Jinxed, August 27, 2015, 03:44:29 AM

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Situation: I saw a few nice looking horns attached to some Thrumpos and I wanted them.
What happened: I lined up my colonists in front of two Thrumpos and ordered to open fire. I received the message that Thrumpos are going to execute revenge once it became wounded. Status of thrumpos changed to Manhunt. However, they just kept walking, completely ignoring my colonists and taking no attempts to attack them.
What I expected to happen: Half of my colony slaughtered over two horns.
Reproduction: I am still waiting for a new pack to appear so I can check it.


Met another herd. Attacked them in sleep.
They did care, so I could not replicate it.


However, I managed to make them ignore attacks on them once again.

If you force turret target on passing by Thrumpo - he will ignore it completely.


If anyone else encounters similar bug where animals broken with "manhunter" state do not attack people then please report it. I couldn't reproduce it.

QuoteIf you force turret target on passing by Thrumpo - he will ignore it completely.

Fixed, thanks.