Ability to cancel all "Tame" actions at once?

Started by picollo, August 27, 2015, 02:05:46 PM

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Usually when I want to tame animals I double click on animal with unzoomed map as far as possible. Thanks to this, tamer will do for example 10 attempts to tame animal instead of lets say 2 if I chose only them. But when I have like 8 boars, i do not want more. But with my method I'll have to check every animal in the map. And if I leave tame orders, my tamer will use my food really fast to tame animals  I can easily breed now.
I know I can just remove "handle" job. But  I'd like to keep my tamer to train my tamed animals.

Could it be possibile to add order "remove all tame designators"? If you order to cut too much trees, you know where are those trees, they dont run like animals can.