new building algorytm

Started by windruf, January 06, 2014, 02:07:10 AM

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we all know the situation when a colonist stops to work and go away and after a while another colonist comes and finishes the job. or they do firefighting and stop it unfinished cos someone else is already doing this (he is just on the way) and they do not care if they will be done even before he will arrive.

now suggestion:
step 1: combine many equal tasks to a job
step 2: send a colonist to do a job not a single task.
step 3: determinate time of completion: time to get here + time to build.
step 4: after arrival colonist will chose a task he will do.
step 5: another colonist, if he wants to do this job, have to check if he will arrive before this job will be ready.

second variation:
allow a colonist to take over other colonist's task if this colonist to far away.


I agree its quite frustrating when you need to rescue a guy with 10 hp and you cant because its "reservered" by someone across the map who wont even make it in time so i think this is kinda the same park so


This was already bought to Tynan's attention and he acknowledged the problem.


I wish you would show proof that tyran actually did the things you say he did.
So dwarf fortress in space eh?
I love it.
I love it so much.
Please keep it that way.

Hey Guys, Here is the first succession Game of rim world for your reading Pleasure, it is in progress right now



I wish you would just use search function instead of bugging me in PM to do it for you.

And learn dev's name already, for crying out loud.


Sorry I was one letter off

I am the kind of person who likes proof.
I have used the search function, MANY times, with your claims, and cannot  find evidence for a few of the things you said. Not trying to be a jerk here, but seriously. You say "Tynan said this" but much of the time i cannot find evidence of it. It would be easier to just link before you claim things like that... just saying "nope not happening cause 5 months ago he said this" is not good, nor is it productive, in fact it is counter-productive.The game is in alpha things can change.
Just keep that in mind. I'm not trying to be a jerk here I just want the game to become the best it can be.
No more arguments from now on.  ;)

I like this idea, it would make the colonists much more efficient in my opinion.

I do believe tynan has mentioned this before and has seen it (in november actually), so i do expect him to change the system later on. I'll try to dig up a link.

So dwarf fortress in space eh?
I love it.
I love it so much.
Please keep it that way.

Hey Guys, Here is the first succession Game of rim world for your reading Pleasure, it is in progress right now



Galileus is right, it's already been brought up and seen by Tynan. I don't remember where, I just know he acknowledged it already.

That being said, the OP's idea sounds like it might work. I think the main drawback to anything of the sort is the amount of processing that will take when you take into account you're doing that over and over again for each colonist, each time he chooses a new task to complete. Now if you get those large colonies where you have 70 colonists, then you might find it runs slow even on normal hardware. Optimization of handling tasks is as important as optimization of utilization of processing power. :)


Untrustedlife - you are aware - I hope - that you accuse me of intentionally lying as to Tynan's statements, don't you (yes, edit magic did not help)? And as sorry as I am to say this - without no proof of me actually doing this, you do come out as a jerk. To put it mildly, really, I would probably use much stronger words.

Now, consider this - you're new to the forums and I'm here for ages. Some people are around for even longer. We remember things that were said before you even got here. So we share this with newcomers - not to bomb their ideas, but to keep their imagination in check. Some of these ideas here are just barely out of the lore - and can easily be rewritten to fit it perfectly. So why let it go on on a wrong vector, when we can just point out the problems?

You say you want proof - I do understand that. But here again you come out as a jerk - sorry. If you can't find the post in question, will it be easier for me? I do not remember exact words, nor the name of the topic for most of the time. I would have to search through as many topics as you. And why would I do it? Because you accuse me of lying? It doesn't work like that - if you accuse me of lying, you need to find the proof of it. You need to do the work. What you did here was a bit of a overkill - I could possibly understand such behaviour for some other newcomer who's green behind the ears - but I'm here for a while, enough to know my ways around.

You say it's counter-productive. I dare to disagree strongly. Discussing a topic that was already addressed is counter-productive. Developing and discussing features that have a fatal flaw is counter-productive. It's a different thing if Tynan said "maybe" or "probably not". But That's not the case here. I strongly recommend to you to weight your words, as your behaviour here can be very easily described as counter-productive.

I would really appreciate if next time you have some doubts, you would be more trusting instead of flat out accusing people you know nothing about of lies and manipulations. I do not take kindly to such things, and you'll find me a very unpleasant person to be around if this keeps up.

I do not have anything against you, and I won't hold a grudge - it's human to err, to forgive divine - but I really hope there will be no next time. That being said - I may be wrong, I may be not precise or describe something poorly. If such thing happens, sure, call me out, point out my shortcomings, and all is good in life. Just make sure you have a better reason for it than "your face looks stupid".


Not sure what you mean by "Your face looks stupid" but alrighty then...I think...
So dwarf fortress in space eh?
I love it.
I love it so much.
Please keep it that way.

Hey Guys, Here is the first succession Game of rim world for your reading Pleasure, it is in progress right now



He is saying that your only excuse for pointing things out is by insulting him.


But Galileus, wouldn't that mean then that you could technically say something that actually never had been discussed and state that as you are an elder member, that it happened and that is that (when it didn't happen), but that as it happened so long ago that no one can find it, so cannot prove whether you are telling the truth or not. Yes I agree, that if someone calls someone out on lying, they should have proof of lying (although, how do you prove someone is lying if you can't successfully find a post, EVEN if you hunt for it? Is the absence of proof, proof of lying, or the absence of proof to prove someone is lying is proof that they aren't lying) but stating that just because you've been around since the forum began shouldn't mean we should take you at your word simply because of your seniority. If the post has happened before then it should be found so that another similar suggestion could be improved upon or made moot by previous discussion. If the post cant be found however, then it should fine to re-discuss it; you never know, it may stir up new ideas and suggestions that may make the change viable and a good idea. Particularly if in the original discussion the idea was thrown out. Personally, I don`t think you are lying Galileus, but a link to the past discussion would be nice to ensure that the same ideas don't get rehashed over and over again. Just my two cents. 


I do provide links if I can find them within a time window or remember where to look for them. I'm not on a social duty here, and even by looking for links I'm showing good will that by no means is my duty - I don't do that because I have to, but because I think it's only fair and a show of respect to my interlocutor. As I've said already (god, I'm getting sick of repeating myself) some of these posts and topics are long gone and forgotten, and finding them is as much a chore for me as for anyone else.

As for finding proof... I will not ever find a proof you're not a maniac killer that targets people arguing with you on internet forums. Ain't gonna start calling you out a murderer or avoiding you on forums. Common sense, presumption of innocence and Occam's Razor all in one, baby. For no additional cost, no less.

So now, can we get off of that ridiculous thing about me being a liar and manipulator that cannot be proven not guilty already? I ain't gonna lie here, it's starting to seriously piss me off.

I'm being judged for lies and manipulations because I do not spend "enough time" looking for some old posts. Seriously. One more post about me, lies, evidence, murder, Sherlock Holmes or poisoned cookies, and I'm gonna call for modstrike to nuke this hellhole. And inb4, no, it wasn't me who poisoned the cookies.