Ideas for late game enemies!

Started by TMAN80SS, September 07, 2015, 08:37:03 AM

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So i have been looking through the entirety of this forum and noticed that a lot of people have a general problem with late (LATE) game raiders, having an excess of 350+ laggy little suicide drones attacking their beautiful bases. Instead of that what about some bullet sponges that would be a singular challenge like a massive quadrupedal Mechinoid tank-esq like thing, or some Pirate Gunships that could spawn Pirate Raiders while bombarding you from a distance like a mortar.

I would love to see some ideas from everyone, god knows im not the greatest mind in this forum!!


might solve the lag issue a bit that, instead of having a huge army appear at once, some kind of gunships that transport wave after wave of troops, limiting the number on the map at the time, but meaning colonist still have to fight for a long time without breaks.


Yeah! progressive waves would be an awesome idea.


Progressive raids and more powerful enemies that unlock as you have higher wealth are both pretty good ideas.

Like for progressive raids, 'A pirate transport ship has landed nearby, they'll send troops for several days to attack you'.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


Even mechanoids start outnumbering you pretty soon. A single Centipede is never a major threat, even if it drops into your greenhouse it's too stupid to shoot with no enemies in sight. So you just exit the room, hold the door open, and wait outside. Thrumbos are bigger elephants, and they are easy to set on fire.

Dwarf Fortress has dragons, hydras, bronze colossi, titans, various Forgotten Beasts. Maybe something along these lines ? A gigantic randomized mechanoid ?


What about "Abomination". Its just a twisted pile of failed machinery that has gone hay-wire, it slowly moves around shooting at everything and destroying everything that it walks over (such as grass and trees are leveled to just dirt and random ruins are destroyed with nothing left over)!?


Tanks, or other vehicles that are immune to standard small arms. Sure, it may be a little bit of a 'save or die' scenario where not having an appropriate weapon means you literally can't hurt the bad guy, but a colony rich enough to justify fielding such heavy war material should be able to build or buy heavy weapons, or build their own tank (because no random trader will be shipping such a thing).

I'd see it as a 'high technology' update where the colony continues to expand its ability to build technology, to the point where you can, laboriously, build and maintain power armour, personal shields, and heavy weapons, and make use of some vehicles. It'd be quite a fun thing if you could build motorbikes and such (or tame and train horses even), which pawns can get on and use to travel long distances outside the home area.

Then you can keep raids to a more manageable number of elite enemies with power armour and vehicles, and mechanoids can become a more common enemy because your own vehicles and armour allow you to better counter them directly without having to cheese the pants off the game.


arachnophobics look away from this idea now:
GIANT spider tanks, maybe similar to the ones in watch dogs
People in mech suits (and if you just kill the person, you can steal the mech suit)
Tanks and other armored vehicles
Specialized teams of snipers (can't snipe these guys can you?)
BEES! (Earlier game though... It would be halarious to watch a colonist running from bees, plus you can harvest honey with tamed be hives)
Drop ships!
Crashed SHIP (an entire working ship has crashed on the planet. It seems the ai killed all its passengers and now is trying to kill your colonist as well)
GIANT DIRT\ROCK MONSTERS! (Can go wrong with a 10 foot tall dirt monster sponging bullets and not feeling them as he gets dirt everywhere and throws your best melee person into your sniper and disabling them both) also make it so colonist can be flung by things like explosions or getting thrown
(This is a joke but could be altered into a thing) ANGRY GOLFERS! (Someone told the golfers they couldn't golf so they have desided to use your colony as a driving range. They are from a friendly faction so you can't kill them and will try to avoid hitting your colonist and important buildings but you never know if they will)
DRUNKARDS! (A group of drunk and angry (faction name here) warriors have stumbled into your colony they are drunk so they can take more of a beating)
In the end, we all make the same leather hats.


Basically, just big, powerful enemies that are double, triple or even quadruple the threat a normal one is. A mechanoid is a good example, but something raiders can come with, so there may be instead of 40 raiders, 10 raiders and 3 war gorilla's decked out in giant set of power armour and plasteel fists.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


Quote from: Z0MBIE2 on September 07, 2015, 12:25:01 PM
Basically, just big, powerful enemies that are double, triple or even quadruple the threat a normal one is. A mechanoid is a good example, but something raiders can come with, so there may be instead of 40 raiders, 10 raiders and 3 war gorilla's decked out in giant set of power armour and plasteel fists.

maybe a large mech of some sort that a lot of raiders could ride into battle, when the mech dies the raiders jump off and second stage of the attack begins, just a thought. :)

[edit] tempted to make this a separate post, but what about raiders taking over parts of your base, as well? nothing says "better clear out those evil guys" like being shot from a sniper in your own kitchen. [/edit]


Vehicle pawns are always good. You can explain away the lack of colonists/ pawns inside of them by saying they're AI driven- as the Rimworld universe seems to have it in great abundance.

A pirate auto-buggy, roving mechanoid hover-tank, outlander automated pickups with MGs strapped on top; the works (Perhaps tribals could work with some kind of assassins, which you don't get an alert for a raid from).

It would be equally brilliant if the players could also build such constructs, allowing for some interesting tactics.


Surprise attacks! that would be awesome. The only telling sign that they are around is the subtle change of music


Surprise attacks don't fit with the way Rimworld's played. It tells you for every event that happens but nope, suddenly you have raiders on the map, no warning, and get slaughtered.
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.


Agreed. I don't want to save my game and not know about a raid that has just reached my base and my colonist are out in the open and ready to be killed. They could have reinforcements that are made know but not with the envolpe thing. Only when you have finished fighting off the raid will it tell you it's over so you still have to watch out for reinforcements but players aren't clueless
In the end, we all make the same leather hats.


One thing that I loved about the old minami event mod was that it introduced several new events/monsters. The terminator and an event where one prisoner would mutate into this weird but tough monster.