Seeking a little advice getting started

Started by panggul_mas, September 15, 2015, 02:29:34 PM

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I'm making my way through the wiki tutorials but would appreciate a bit of advice on how to get started creating a mod that does the following two things:

-push a few buildings, which are currently available at the beginning (power plants, air conditioners, etc) behind a research prerequisite.

-create 2-3 new crafting tables modeled after existing ones with slightly modified stats.


FMJ Penguin

Easiest way is download a mod that has a few building additions and jump in. All that can be done just within the xml's so you don't even need coding knowledge. 
Bits & bobs: All open source so sell it to Adolf for a new pair of sneaks if you like.
"Curious.... How many credit hours does it take tell you can make a comment like that without laughing uncontrollably at yourself?"