
Started by LouisTBR, October 01, 2015, 12:52:16 PM

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Now, this sounds stupid, but give me the chance to elaborate:

The ocean is the only biome which is currently uninhabitable. In fact, water and the ocean itself is a very small part of Rimworld currently. Colonists do not drink, and we have no bathroom facilities so water is unusable. The only thing it does is slow you down, and it rarely even does that due to the very small amount of water on the map.

The ocean, the largest biome on any map including our Earth, is home to fish, ships, algae and Atlantis. In Rimworld, it is home to nothing. This really needs to change. Again, referring to Atlantis, they built a fully functional, futuristic city under the sea. Why can't we do that? I mean, 5500 is a looooooooong time in the future, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were colonies and cities underwater here on Earth. Well, if global warming doesn't beat us to it.

Have raiders entering in submarines, tribes in boats, but instead of dogs, you would have whales, sharks and other fish. This is a tall ask, and many may not be too intrigued, but at least include water in the game!

Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"


Atlantis wasn't even built underwater, it just got flooded and ended up underwater.

There's not really any point in underwater civilizations IF we had the ability to leave the planet, it's much easier to just find another planet and set up a terrestrial colony there.
How would colonists survive underwater? There's no way you could have a colony in the middle of an ocean, too much pressure and barely any light gets down there. Would colonists spawn with a diver suit or what? How do they breathe? Weapons wouldn't really work beyond a few dozen meters, too much drag. Where do you get food from other than killing fish? It's not an easy task to kill a fish while underwater. There are much more reasons this is just too complicated and not worth the effort. Maybe a fun little giantic project for a modder.

BTW, what is the "mystery shoutout" thing? :P


Yeah, it would be unrealistic. But so is having a 69 (GET IT?) year old sex slave joining your colony naked with a peg leg and a missing liver. The shoutout thing? Just something interesting I thought I would run!
Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"


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                           TO WAR WE GO


Objectively speaking, I don't see this being implemented as it requires a lot of work (it's a whole new system different from anything that is already in the game) but gives a small benefit. Not many people would choose an ocean biome to start their colony, and spending much time to make something for a minority of players is inefficient. Maybe modders can do something like that, though.