Military Background Pawns - "Barracks Life" Perk / Shared Room Debuff

Started by canodab, October 24, 2015, 09:02:48 AM

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Quote from: Boston on October 24, 2015, 02:33:23 PM
Personally, I think that that "debuff" should just get removed in general. It ..... doesn't make any sense.

I mean, you have crash-landed on a frontier planet, with little-to-no hope of rescue. Tribals and pirates attack all the time, and you are alternately cold/hot and hungry. You would think that the people would be happy just to be alive, and learn to "not sweat the small things".

"Hey, yeah, sleeping with all these other people sucks, but you know, we could be sleeping on the dirt somewhere, or even dead! Comparatively, this is rather alright"

Instead, you have people bitching when they have to share sleeping quarters, or even when their bedroom "isn't impressive enough". If I had the option, I would be shaking those "greedy" colonists and smacking the whiny ones upside the head.

This is represented in the early game by the "new colony hope/optimism" buffs. In the beginning, your colonists are just happy to be alive after the crash, and it takes a lot to make them truly unhappy.

However, no one is content to live their life in a hole in the ground. After a while, complacency sets in and people start demanding a more normal existence.

I know some people just want a strategy/basebuilder game, but emotions, mood, mental breaks and all that is a huge part of what makes Rimworld interesting. The basebuilding and fighting is fun, but where the game truly shines is in its ability to make you feel something for little pixels that look like a cardboard-cutout of the upper half of a human.