Missing benches.-

Started by Yiledias, November 03, 2015, 03:36:12 PM

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I do not understand why when I build certain benches (cook stove, nutrient paste dispenser, smiting bench, hydroponics basin, etc.) they do not appear once built, although the materials are gone and the action of being built takes place. I do not have a problem with the steel research bench or the butcher table.  :-\  Thanks!


which version of the game?
, and what is your active mods list(including the load order of the mods)?
with this info we could be able to help you figure out what is happening


Quote from: harpo99999 on November 03, 2015, 03:55:59 PM
which version of the game?
, and what is your active mods list(including the load order of the mods)?
with this info we could be able to help you figure out what is happening

Version 0.12.914

Mods order:
Community Core Library - Vanilla Tweaks
EdB Interface
EdB Prepare Carefully
EdB Mode Order
Miscellaneous HiRes
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
Vein Miner
Balanced Storm Sounds

I have to say that I did not have all those MODs at the beginning, only Vanilla Tweaks and EdB Interface, and it did happen then... I think, not sure any more.

Thanks a lot for your help!


does it look like this?

Which means not all the resources have been collected.


why are you using the cc vanilla tweaks without the community core?, and the ccvt should come AFTER the cc