bug : linux dual monitors

Started by kirk, November 02, 2015, 01:14:54 AM

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can't post to bugs

my bug:

On ubuntu latest with dual screen.  First time game runs on monitor that I started game on.  Subsequent starts go back to primary screen.

Deleting this file allows the game to run on designated monitor again.
~/.config/unity3d/Ludeon\ Studios/RimWorld/prefs



As a stopga measure, can you edit the prefs file to keep RimWorld on the designated display?


editing prefs does not fix changed full screen to 0

<unity_prefs version_major="1" version_minor="1">
   <pref name="Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode" type="int">1</pref>
   <pref name="Screenmanager Resolution Height" type="int">1080</pref>
   <pref name="Screenmanager Resolution Width" type="int">1920</pref>

I do see an error when I run the start bash script
/dev/input/js0: open: Operation not permitted


Hmm, so deleting the prefs file fixes the problem. Could be a bug.

// edit
ah, sorry, these are Unity prefs. I'm afraid we can't do much about it and it's just a Unity's issue.