Working Tools

Started by Grimandevil, January 22, 2016, 02:35:01 PM

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As per title. Actual tools requirement to do tasks. Like axes to chop wood, toolkits to build and repair, pickaxes or drills to mine, etc. Worn as apparel. They may come in different grades, more advanced harder to craft. Generally, they give a slight buff on respective activity, depending on quality, and some generic debuffs, like walk speed, and such. More advanced tools, like mining drill or a chainsaw would probly give a huge buffs and debuffs as well; they'd require some research, or only purchased via traders.
Working at the workbench shouldnt be affected, as it supposed to have all required tools.

inspired by Fishing mod, which introduces requirement for a fishing pole in order to fish. I'm not a modder myself, just messing with xml's..
welcome to the Rimworld - a world full of cannibal drug-addicted psychos, but free of vegetarians.


One of my mods is similar to what you describe: Right Tool For The Job.
It doesn't have the main feature you've asked for, which is that the tools are required to do tasks.
All my mods are licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Ask for permission before using in ModPacks

Click here for a list of the mods I've created


Neat, now if only someone could write required dll's for works.
welcome to the Rimworld - a world full of cannibal drug-addicted psychos, but free of vegetarians.


welcome to the Rimworld - a world full of cannibal drug-addicted psychos, but free of vegetarians.