Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Quote from: b0rsuk on July 17, 2015, 11:10:37 AM
Double click on ore = select all explored ore tiles on the screen. This would be useful for mining.
Double click on wall = select all walls of that type on the screen. Useful for deconstructing ruins, and temporary constructions like wooden walls, steel walls (which you later replace with stone).
Double click on ground = select all of that soil on the screen. Uses:
- double click on rich soil to see how much is there
- double click on rough stone and smooth it
- double click on floor and remove it


Quote from: Jorlem on August 08, 2015, 05:28:20 AM
Quote from: b0rsuk on August 08, 2015, 02:29:56 AM
Hunting trophies could be made at... butchering tables.
Can the same table use different skills for certain jobs?  Because I'm not so sure cooking would be the right skill for making trophies.
It'd make more sense for butchering to produce animal heads, which will eventually rot, and used by crafters at a taxidermy table to produce mounted trophy heads, and maybe even cute squirrels. To produce the heads, would result in less leather, and to taxidermy a whole animal like a squirrel would require the whole corpse at the taxidermy table.


Colonists with Power Claws or Scyther Blades should have BETTER than average manipulation for purposes of:
- plant cutting
- butchering
- maaybe stonecutting ?
If you want to be pedantic, the bonus doesn't need to apply to digging potatoes.


Here is mine for A12:
- give some mammals like dogs a trainable to wear hats.  8)


Quote from: Play2Jens on August 12, 2015, 06:42:50 PM
Here is mine for A12:
- give some mammals like dogs a trainable to wear hats.  8)

I am looking forward to the pooch sombrero mod!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


What about cats with hats?
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here


Quote from: StorymasterQ on August 12, 2015, 08:52:47 PM-Snippets of a certain cat in a hat-
And to follow the trend, What about Terror Birds with hats? Unfortunately I could not find a relevant picture, so you will have to resort to a mental image of a 10 ft. tall flightless carnivore, striking a funny pose with a cute little sombrero on it's head.
Claims to know most things.


new music, release a video through youtube stating that your looking for someone to make some new in game idle music. pick the top five track?
Yes another god damn youtuber.


An option for "Pause on Threat".

The game already has an option for "Pause on Load" so that the game is pauses after loading.
A "Pause on Threat" option would be useful for the game to pause on certain events like:

  • Raid
  • Siege
  • Mad Animal
  • Evil Ship
  • Broken Berserk


Remove the OK selection on certain alerts, or move it further away from "Go to location".  Also, put a time delay on being able to right-click to dismiss alerts, or put new alerts at the top of the list instead of pushing the old ones up. 

For the former, it isn't hard to misclick, and then have to carefully pan around the map to find where some cargo pods landed, which is rather annoying.  For the latter, it is too easy to accidentally right-click dismiss a new alert that pops up while dismissing a queue of minor alerts, such as disease alerts.


More resources and better industrial processes.

It wouldn't take very long to add copper to the game and make copper used for conduits rather than steel.

Instead of mining steel out of a wall you could mine iron and coal to combine into steel in a blast furnace which would:

a) Make the making of steel more realistic.
b) Add a new resource to the game, iron that things could be constructed out of
c) Add coal which could be a new option for power generation in a coal-burner

Semi-precious stones would be great such as:

- Lapis Lazuli
- Jade

For art.

And semi-precious materials you could make stone blocks out of like:

- Mica
- Microline

Which would produce some cool aesthetic options for base design.

Sand collecting could be used for glass and silicon chip making for power generators.

I really can't stress enough how expanding the variety of resources in RimWorld would improve the longevity (and in my opinion, entertainment) of the game far more than many more time consuming additions. It would also be relatively easy to do, take small amounts of time and would show many people that have not yet purchased RimWorld that the game is actively growing at a steady pace.

Please seriously consider this,

Kind regards
~ A huge fan of your work


Ronin I'm afraid this really isn't the thread for a huge game-changing suggestion like that. However, just to reply quickly:

The thing with the resources is, it doesn't add any new rewards or options to the game. Just more numbers, restrictions, and barriers. Have you ever heard of a player describing how awesome it was that they couldn't build something because they didn't have the resource for it? It doesn't happen. RimWorld is a story generator, and stories about about interesting, emotional things happening to people. The production chains in this game should stay as simple as possible because they're not really what the game is about. Too many games focus on ways to prevent the player from getting a few meager rewards, rather than creating more ways to get a wider variety of rewards and enable new character-oriented stories.

That said there will probably be at least one big new blocking resource (electronics) in Alpha 13 (not Alpha 12). Because by that time there will be enough content for that restriction to be added without frustratingly narrowing the player's options.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on August 13, 2015, 04:18:54 PM
Ronin I'm afraid this really isn't the thread for a huge game-changing suggestion like that. However, just to reply quickly:

The thing with the resources is, it doesn't add any new rewards or options to the game. Just more numbers, restrictions, and barriers. Have you ever heard of a player describing how awesome it was that they couldn't build something because they didn't have the resource for it? It doesn't happen. RimWorld is a story generator, and stories about about interesting, emotional things happening to people. The production chains in this game should stay as simple as possible because they're not really what the game is about. Too many games focus on ways to prevent the player from getting a few meager rewards, rather than creating more ways to get a wider variety of rewards and enable new character-oriented stories.

That said there will probably be at least one big new blocking resource (electronics) in Alpha 13 (not Alpha 12). Because by that time there will be enough content for that restriction to be added without frustratingly narrowing the player's options.

Apologies if this is the wrong thread. I thought it was for quick suggestions? Adding resources wouldn't take too long.

I think you will find that there are many, many people out there who enjoy increased variety. You only have to look as far as the modding forum here at the Ludeon Forums or to the popularity of games such as Dwarf Fortress over on Bay 12 (which from what I know is where many people, including myself originally came here from).

I really hope that eventually you will change your mind.

Telling stories is interesting... But when there's not enough variety you're going to find that the same stories will tend to be told over and over.

I have put +150 hours into Rimworld at this stage but only the first 15-20 were vanilla. The rest went into the Ultimate Overhaul Modpack and the Hardcore SK Modpack. Most of the Lets Plays I've seen have been focused around these mod-packs as well.


It's just that 'increased variety' wasn't the suggestion. 'Increased economic complexity' was. The things you can build are the same either way.

Regarding DF, it's actually not very restrictive. There are only a few classes of resources to build from: stone, metal, textile, some others. Because the setting is so low-tech, there's no call to separate copper from steel because you can make a sword or armor from either. What you're suggesting would go far beyond DF in terms of restrictiveness just because modern technology requires such complicated materials.

EDIT: Reviewing what you said, you did suggest adding some new materials in addition to new complexities in building the existing things. I'd just say it's important to separate these concepts. Of course I'm always adding new content and things to build; that goes without saying. What I'm really replying to here is suggestions like: it's better to have a separate metal to build conduits from. And so on. I definitely do wish to pursue 'increased variety' :)
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: Tynan on August 13, 2015, 04:30:12 PM
It's just that 'increased variety' wasn't the suggestion. 'Increased economic complexity' was. The things you can build are the same either way.

Regarding DF, it's actually not very restrictive. There are only a few classes of resources to build from: stone, metal, textile, some others. Because the setting is so low-tech, there's no call to separate copper from steel because you can make a sword or armor from either. What you're suggesting would go far beyond DF in terms of restrictiveness just because modern technology requires such complicated materials.

EDIT: Reviewing what you said, you did suggest adding some new materials in addition to new complexities in building the existing things. I'd just say it's important to separate these concepts. Of course I'm always adding new content and things to build; that goes without saying. What I'm really replying to here is suggestions like: it's better to have a separate metal to build conduits from. And so on. "Increased variety" describes almost every suggestion in this forum :)

One more post and then I'm done because I know you said this is not the thread for it.

Dwarf fortress might be low-tech but it does have complex and nuanced production chains. For example creating steel requires pig iron, iron, flux stone and coke or charcoal. Bronze requires alloying copper and tin together.

If you added copper as a mine-able resource and made it so that conduits needed copper not steel this would not greatly, greatly restrict the game-play. I think about it like this... Wood is a resource in RimWorld and so is steel. Conduits obviously cannot be made out of wood, this would be silly. However making them out of steel is also silly as steel is not used anywhere in the real world to conduct electricity... It is a terrible conductor. It also doesn't make sense for steel to be mined out of walls as steel is an alloy and has never been found naturally occurring (and possibly cannot naturally occur anywhere in the universe considering the specific nature of how it alloys with carbon). I know that the in-game explanation for this is that the steel is from collapsed structures but this is problematic for a variety of reasons:

a) Why is the steel from the collapsed structures found inside mountains?
b) Why has the steel not oxidized (rusted) from prolonged exposure to the elements? Assuming it has been around longer than a couple of decades the steel would be brittle to the point of uselessness. It certainly wouldn't compact into a mine-able form.

I really think this falls back to the problem of RimWorld just not having enough variety in basic resources. If RimWorld did not have steel as a resource and only wood conduits probably would have to be set to use wood too.

I think at the very least a high priority should be placed on adding; sand, glass, copper, coal and iron to RimWorld.

I hope you feel I am not being critical, I love RimWorld.

Kind regards,
~ The13thRonin