Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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I'd like something to wake the colonists up in the morning, like an alarm clock.

I often get annoyed that people don't wake up after their sleeping period ends.
If I designate a period of "sleep" followed by "anything" or "joy", they will keep sleeping until their rest bar is full.
This can cause a problem where they sleep all the way to their work hours and don't get to spend the morning eating breakfast and relaxing.


I myself usually don't change the standard sleep, anything schedule unless there's a nightowl.
Don't use the work, joy bars myself.

I'd say just start off the day with joy, then it's not anything anymore.
Kinda odd that "Food" or "Eat" are not possible to put in on the schedule, it's one of the things that usually are on schedules.

Another thing that is possible is just choosing everyone past morning and toggle draft.
But i get that the thing you want is something that does it for you.


To follow up on RAAARGH a bit, there are already two examples of creatures preferring areas in game:
1) Thrumbos literally always get as close to my base as they can without going through doors. Maybe they calculate the center of my home area, because as my base changes so does the location they prefer.
2) Bugs go back to their hives after they wreck enough stuff.

so, to keep the ideas cheapish:
1) Predators hunt something, and then dynamically set that as their preferred area until it rots/gets eaten. I don't know if it's feasible, but treat the corpse like a worktable with a limited radius and it periodically emits an "eat me" job. Secondarily, scour the interaction log and if the corpse gets moved it pops a "defend me" job to the predator. So now they "guard" corpses a bit.
2) Small critters zone around berry bushes and prefer eating them. This means that they compete with us for the food, but also help us locate them. I find the current berry color hard to see (but I have everything tinted way toward orange, so maybe that's just me)
3) Large critters go after rich soil and what grows in it, because of course they'd go for the lush grass there. Again, that means you end up competing with them but also using them to locate it.


Disarming option for your own deadfall trap, please!


How did I not think of this sooner?!

TESLA COILS!!! Like in Red Alert.  lol ;)


Pawns automatically turn off the lights in their bedrooms when they leave to conserve power, then turn them bback on again when they go in.


I just wrote an extension of CompPowerBattery for purposes of extending battery functionality, however I discovered a limitation in ThingDef.ConnectToPower. That Property checks that any Comp of that ThingDef is a CompPowerBattery; I propose allowing a sub-class of CompPowerBattery as well.

For my purposes, I've replaced that property getter with a harmony patch.
static bool ConnectToPower_getter
if(this.EverTransmitsPower) {
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < this.comps.Count; i++) {
if(typeof(CompPowerBattery).IsAssignableFrom(this.comps[i].compClass)) {
return true;
if(typeof(CompPowerTrader).IsAssignableFrom(this.comps[i].compClass)) {
return true;

return false;
Someone should be cropping their images ... but I'm not


Separate the cleaning area from the home area. Use home area as a default if the cleaning area is not defined. It's so useful to look at a pawn who is cleaning near the growing area that is 15 tiles from a nearest wall...


Single-slot shelves.
The current 2-slot ones are useful, but very often i find i want to use its two slots for different items, but the game often ends up with duplicate items instead (such as 2 shotguns instead of 1 shotgun and 1 sniper rifle, 2 stacks of herbal medicine instead of 1 herbal and 1 normal).
With 1 slot shelves, this (small) problem is completely negated.

If this hasn't been suggested before, I'll be shocked indeed.


Display the pawn skills that contribute to each workstation Bill, AND which Prioritization task (from the "Work" tab) the Bill draws from.
Proud supporter of Rimworld since α7 (October 2014)!


Quote from: lancar on July 13, 2018, 02:40:58 PM
Single-slot shelves.
Presumably you mean 'designate shelves' slots individually', rather than single-tile shelf constructions? Either way works for me..
Dom 8-)


Once you've placed a drill over a deep deposit, hovering your mouse over that deposit should show what it is even after the drill is removed. Or, each deposit you've "scanned" should just have a little icon showing what it's for when you've selected a drill or scanner, if you previously knew what it was.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


Hello Tynan and fellow RimWorlders.

A quick preface, I've been a gamer since 1997, RimWorld is the best yet. Kudos man!

I'd really like to see more animal information when trading, particularly the training an animal has received, so for example right now I have a good amount of elephants breeding and want to trade the untrained ones but find it difficult remembering which ones are trained and which are not.

This would be super helpful when trading extra unneeded animals.

Best regards
Vlakvark :)
Pew Pew


If pawn enters shoulder deep water there should be only his head visible (eventually with gun) but not rest of the body.


Weapons should be visible on top colonist bar (especially when colonist is drafted).