Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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In about 600 hours, I have done what you describe exactly twice, and only because I was too lazy. I don't think it's such an inconvenience.


Mortars should automatically clear forced target once someone stops operating it.


A way to copy and paste ALL bills at a station, instead of just one bill at a time, would be nice.


Quote from: Aszh on October 13, 2018, 03:29:08 PM
A way to copy and paste ALL bills at a station, instead of just one bill at a time, would be nice.
Even better - just do it like Factorio or Oxygen Not Included, where you can click-drag over multiple stations to copy the settings to all of them.


It shouldn't be possible to "disturb sleep" for someone who is anesthetized.  That's literally the entire point of anesthetic.


Event: cleaning group passing through. A group of 5 cleaners is passing through. They offer to clean your base for x silver, based on the tiles of your home zone at the moment of the message. They leave after everything is clean or after 24 hours.


Some kind of watchtower would be nice. You could use it to shoot over walls while you defend your colony and maybe get a bonus for shooting.


I have an Idea for a new building, called the Synthetic Meal Printer.

Mechanically, it acts fairly similar to the nutrient paste dispenser, but requires it's own research and is more expensive to make. The meals it makes are synthetic meals, which give a +2 mood bonus to the consumer. However, it costs more power to use than the nutrient paste dispenser, and Synthetic Meals are inferior, nutrition wise, to that of nutrient paste. It is also expensive to make.


Here are some ideas
-Wish granter AI= You recieve a transmission from a glitterworld AI whos says you can chose from either
* High level Colonist
* Good to masterfully crafted weapon/armour
* X amount of silver

-The abillity to make vatgrown people, and natural born children throug the proces of loving.(perhaps make infertile a trait)

-Equipment used to speed up certain jobs
*hammers- faster building, weak melee damage, fast
*pickaxes- faster mining,strong melee damage, slow

I'm not a programmer so i dont know if these would be easyt to add into the game, but i hope they will atleast bring some new ideas to the tabel


1: Pawn remember defense location
2: Windows to let light in, reduce indoor stress
3: Scale-able doors / windows
4: Pawn do not rebuild the slabs (smoothed mountain wall) that were mark for deconstruction - which they tend to do and consume a lot of resources!.
5: Show entire debug log with mod name to easily remove conflicting / error mods and output it out into a text file
Quote from: Template
== Compiling | Mod name

== Result | (Success / Failed)

6: Mod panel sort mode: Alphabet / Time added / Version


While I haven't seen Tynan reply to this one yet, I have seen quite a few people suggest it, so I thought I'd give my idea on it; Lighting.

You could say I'm a little obsessive compulsive when it comes to base building, architecture is a big selling point for me in games and it really ruffles my feathers when everything isn't 'just right'. So you could probably imagine how much it drives me up the walls that the only in game lighting is a lamp you can place on the floor.

Firstly, overhead lights. I think this would really be quite simple to implement, either select an overhead light from the furniture menu or a "Install Light" tile in the Zones menu. Simply place the light on whichever roofed tile you want it on, and bang, you've got a light source that doesn't take up space or look unsightly. The actual light itself (and wire) would be invisible, but when you open up the power menu, it will display a little circle that indicates the light source, and a cable indicating what power source/conduit it's connected to.  (Like with existing electronics in game when selecting the power menu.) Also, it would cost the same amount of steel as a standard light.

Secondly, it would also be good to have the ability to put existing lamps onto tables/end tables and such. Perhaps doing so gives you a small bonus to beauty.

I understand that the first suggestion is a lot less "cheaper" than the second. But I would really, really like to see it implemented in a future update. The current lighting system makes me want to pull my teeth out.


I believe cooks should have a player-set amount on how many meals remain until they start cooking.

The current problem right now is once one colonist takes a meal, the cook goes out of his way and makes a singular meal. These meals should be cooked in batches.

For example, I set that I want 25 meals in total, but meals only to start being cooked when there's 20 left. The cook will wait until there's 20 meals left until cooking, so they cook a batch of 5 meals. This removes the running time between the kitchen and whatever task the assigned cooker has and increases efficiency greatly.


Quote from: Sukadia on October 24, 2018, 11:31:44 PM
I believe cooks should have a player-set amount on how many meals remain until they start cooking.

The current problem right now is once one colonist takes a meal, the cook goes out of his way and makes a singular meal. These meals should be cooked in batches.

For example, I set that I want 25 meals in total, but meals only to start being cooked when there's 20 left. The cook will wait until there's 20 meals left until cooking, so they cook a batch of 5 meals. This removes the running time between the kitchen and whatever task the assigned cooker has and increases efficiency greatly.
It is already implemented in the game. Look on the properties of the bill task.
I will never do worse than what I do now.
It's what self-improvement means.


Stackable clothes and items... Within a pop-up "Layer". Simulating 1, 2, 3, 4 shelves or drawers or a clothing-rack. And "Bulk cooking".

Easy, because you use the same icons and "numbers", with an under-layer graphic. While maintaining a slightly realistic structure for storage. Instead of storing things like a kid with ADHD, strewn across the floor, individually.

EG. You hover over a "Shirt rack", and click it, which indicates there are 25 similar "button-up shirts" within the stack. It pops-up with a 5x5 display, from least valuable, to most valuable, of each unique shirt. You continue to hover over each shirt to see the details under the new pop-up status, quick-view. Clicking on a shirt gives the shirts options, like normal, and the detailed info, if there is any. With the addition of new options... "Split from stack", which drops the shirt on top of the stack, to be used or selected individually. "Recycle", and/or "Dispose of", and/or "Move to...", etc...

It could be a mixed-rack of the same types (body locations) only, or by styles (fabricated materials). The stack would just show 1-25 still.

For things like the meats, corn, etc... I would only have 1-5 "stacks", each holding up to 25. Depending on the shelving made. Like you would find in any normal "Ancient", "Old", "Present" or "Future" freezer.

For the "Bulk cooking", you should be able to quickly cook ONE meal, for yourself only, or "Bulk cook", a ten-meal stack. Individual cooking is faster, but cooking ten meals for yourself would accumulate more "skill" then cooking one set of "Bulk meals". Plus, you only risk poisoning yourself, while you "learn to cook for yourself". In reality, no-one cooks for 10 people, individually, unless you are eating at Denny's. Cooking for ten people only takes about 2-3x longer than preparing a meal for one. Thus, you get less skill-points rewarded. However, this would fix the issue where we have to baby-sit the cooking process, where, unless it is totally streamlined, it is an impossible task for one character to do. (For more than ten people. They eat it faster than it is made.)

As a bonus, right off the bat, these are other things that bugs me...

1: People don't auto-attack, when in danger. No self-defense at all. They just stand there like a target-dummy, and die.
2: Others don't join a fight, at all. They just stand there and watch others standing there, like a target dummy, getting shopped-up, until it is their turn.
3: When someone with a gun attacks, which requires a minimum distance, they just stop attacking when the enemy walks into the limit. At which point, even though told to attack, they just stand there like a target dummy, and die. They don't even attempt to melee attack.
4: Given a fast-path, and any rough terrain, the characters STILL will try the shortest path, taking forever to get to a location, instead of avoiding... anything... or just walking on the obvious faster path, right next to them. Dodging trees left and right, actually going left, then right, then forward, hitting a new tree, going left then right again... When one simple left would have avoided every tree and rock in the path.
5: Doors stay open waaay longer than needed. Auto-doors open fast, but take forever to close, making them horrible for use. They let in/out all the expensive conditioned air in any rooms. Not to mention, people can drop items in doorways, which keeps them held-open. They shouldn't be counted as a "placement spot".
6: Altering, or picking-up and dropping an item from one spot, drops it in another. Why would it not just drop it back in the same spot, like wood does, when you break something down. It is like the game thinks the space is already occupied, so it finds a new space to put the thing you just picked-up. Which leads to items ending-up in doorways or someone having to walk to another room to put an item down, which then has to be picked-up by another person, to put it back in the empty space it was just removed from.
7: Characters will travel a mile across the screen to get wood that is already chopped, even after just having chopped a tree, right next to what they are building. Like the wood doesn't exist yet. (May be a coding placement issue.)
8: Get rid off all the various icons for each "Zone type", keep that in the zone settings. Except the "Roof", which is not a zone, but an instruction set. That should be with the "Floor" and "Wall" tools, not zones... The zones are either "Planting areas", or "Storage", or "Containment areas". If they are planting, you select the options for planting, or select that when the zone is made, as an in-game option for "What to plant". If it is storage, it should start EMPTY, then you can quick-select a prefab "Items", "Food", "Waste", "Materials", "Minerals", "Fabrications"... Or get into the list and edit, copy, paste.
9: Give us a target "Quality", for construction of items. It either can't be done, by someone of a certain skill, or it just takes a lot longer, as the dice have to keep rolling until it eventually hits that quality, or both. The higher your skill, the faster you will be making that quality of item. (Obviously, not letting legendary being a selectable quality, as that is a long-shot reward, which should only come from the highest quality setting. Just as a level 0 skill should never be able to make an "excellent", item. Maybe only a level 1-2 item. One level up being the equivalent of "Poor", with the same "Legendary" roll, resulting in a "Normal" item for them.
10: The process of creating a caravan is waaay too specific, and annoying. You should be able to do that anywhere, not just when selecting your "HOME" icon in the "WORLD MAP". Same with the ability to abandon a settlement, when a "AWAY". I can understand the "you can't see the map before crash-landing", but when moving around, we should be able to see the map, before deciding to settle. It is just annoying to defeat the insecurities of programming, by saving, settling, then reloading, when that area is not suitable for settlement. When settling, it is because you "have located an ideal area to settle". You don't just throw a dart at a map and say, "Lets build there!".


City Biome.

Make it work similarly to how mountainous biomes work. Although they'll be less common.
A tile covered heavily in ruined buildings. Most buildings are open but some hide hidden dangers. Hidden dangers should be a lot more common in this biome.

The biome trades free housing and a more defendable position for poor soil, lots of hidden dangers and scarcer flora and fauna.