Your Cheapest Ideas

Started by Tynan, October 09, 2013, 12:17:07 AM

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Mikal Blak

Reinforced walls - possibly a later tech or something
Tech to increase reliability/effectiveness of solar panels
Bulletproof vests
Heavy weapons - by this I mean something like an auto turret but that can be moved and is not fixated on one position but has to be carried


Pre-existing Structures :-
The Monotolith - A dark and geometrically exact block of something ... sinister and strangely dull.
Causes complete drain of  tiredness for the first colonist or raider who walks near it or continuous area effect until destroyed.
"Goodness me! It's full of beige."
Musak speaker (propaganda tower).
Plays loud inspirational (or irritating, depending on perspective) instrumental music constantly provides slight bonus to work speed with slight increase in tiredness.

Mental floss dispenser.
Lowers loyalty threshold for prisoner recruitment while washing away all those inconvenient memories of their previous life. resets all skills to 2 (or 1).

Ominously Flickering Light Fixture - Like a light, except it just won't stop flickering. Raises fear far more than the dark would. May cause drowsiness, paranoia, delusions, weight loss, weight gain, spontaneous mental break or death.

Shock and awwwww. Throws stuffed toys toward the enemy, really cute stuffed toys. May cause stun.

Transporter train / monorail / tube / conveyer thingy hub.
Acts as a dump / stockpile for receiving items, moves them to the other end of track then drops them in adjacent square hopefully faster than walking with them.

Items :-
Motion charged Head torch. Reduces fear of dark places
Exciting Exo-skeleton. Reduces speed penalty for hauling heavy items, may malfunction causing damage to wearer and or nearby things.


-Brain slug: found in wild animals and some plants, will provoke agresivity and confussion in the host.
cure: direct extraction, need to isolate the host in a cell to perform surgery.

-sand crabs: a sort of flea found in the sand an rocks, will cause small wounds and even bleeding in the host.
cure: antiparasite spray on the infected.

-flesh eating larvae: found in dead bodies when not burried or burnt, will provoke wounds and bleeding, may kill the host if found in large amounts.
cure: antiparasite spray

-cave lung sindrome: provoked for living underground without the proper ventilation and cleaning, may provoke sophocation and death of the patient.
cure: smath inhaler treatment, may take a few days.

-dark skin sindrome: provoked for having too much contact with minerals without the proper equipment, will cause weakness and tiredness.
cure: steech cream and flim syrup treatment, may take a few days.

-fungy skin sindrome: provoked for living underground for too long, without the proper cleaning, may cause permanent wounds.
cure: steech cream treatment.

urobor larvae: found in dead animals, will grow inside the host killing him and becoming a dangerous reptile like creature.
cure: surgery, althou only has 30% chance of success.

-surgery pod: used to perform surgery on a patient

-hospital bed: will alert the doctor when the patient is in need and provide nutrient paste when hungry.

-stasis pod: used to contain a patient till a cure is found, also used to study an illness

-medical research lab: used to research new cures

-air purification system: will clean the air in a certain area, may help fire to spread.

-medical cabinet: will contain medicine and other objects a doctor may use.
if you can imagine it I can build it with pixels.
if I cant well then imagine something else.


Auto Kitchen:   An Improved version of the Nutrient paste dispenser,  It makes a simple bland meal (replica)  instead of a bland paste.     It now looks like proper food, instead of some sort of goo.
    Needs to be Researched first,  cost more metal to built, draws more power,  and uses twice the food.    But you don't get that Nutrient paste Happiness penalty.  or at least lessen it. Image might perhaps be a Re-colored Nutrient paste dispenser?


Scrap smelter: Throw pistols and other junk into this to get some metal back.

Reasoning: In my ongoing first "proper" game (in Cass. Classic) I'm at cycle 10 or so. Counting filled graves and equipment stands, I've killed 118 raiders and I have 90-something weapons stored. It's raid after raid, sometimes it feels like I can barely move the bodies out before the next one. And I haven't seen a trader of any kind in ages. I have dozens of pistols, incindary launchers, molotovs etc. I'd love to sell, not just for money but also for clearing room. I've built two big armories to store them all, which shouldn't be necessary unless you want to hoard like this. Being able to get some metal back for this junk would be great. Increased trader frequency would be great as well  ;)


Hi I'm new to Rim world but at current I have basically bet the game with raiders doing nothing now.
I'm 19 and live in Australia.
this list is long and have "not cheap" ideas in it.
most ideas are original but some are from friends or other users.

1: Doors (small)
easy, 2x1 doors, stronger doors, maybe even "blast doors" 2x2 that require power to open?

2: lighting (small)
i was thinking maybe something like wall lights so they don't take up space.
i was also thinking a new type of power cable (maybe researched), that has natural LED on it so it glows, this makes 1 wide walkways easier to light up or even mining corridors.

3: Ditches (small-med)
like sand bags but free, take more time to build and have less cover from bullets (maybe explosive does more damage as well?) also so the people can actually occupy this space unlike sand bags.

4: Tunnels/Underground walk ways?
where people dig under the ground (still walk on top of it), cant build anything down there except lights and cable, using a man hole to get in. this allows for people to be more tactical in battles (pincer attack)

5: upgrades (med)
a building maybe 1x1 big that you place right next to an auto-turrent to make it more useful ex. 20% damage boost. maybe making it expensive? and highly explosive resistant!

6: guard walls (small-med)
adding a wall that people can climb onto and fire off it, more sturdy that the normal wall, maybe even allowing it to get thick" and allow turrets to be placed up there?

7: Turrets (some easy, some Big)
maybe after research, a snipe auto-turret, high damage slow fire rate, low HP, high range?
even maybe turrets that need to be maned? high damage or explosive? maybe just really bad recoil if gun skill is bad? this also with the walls mod?

8: AI (huge)
I'm sure our 3 people weren't the only survivors on a space ship?, maybe other people wanted to do different things than us or landed later and didn't approve? making up there own colony?, maybe starting off with better supplies to make it future equal?, trade with them, fight raids, capture prisoners?

9: Multi-player (Mid after AI vs implantation)
same as AI mod above but with another human, simple.

10: WorkBench (med-big)
maybe a workbench for building things like guns or prototypes (see later)?
using scrap or metal to build items?

11: research (mid)
adding a research tree? like researching guns then M-16 then the M-24 to be build at a work bench?
adding things like research bullets, then things like pure gunpowder, efficient energy cells, copper tip bullet for things like 2% less recoil, 2% increase fire rate, 2% damage increase respectively, and allow them to be researched like 20 times each?

12: Prototypes (Mid-Big)
when a new gun or turret is researched, it first has to be build as a prototype through the workbench.
this costs extra for the first building, gun ect. and in doing so then builds the prototype and making it have some buffs (as all prototypes do), on random completion such as, faulty wiring:sparks can cause flam when firing, Big capacitor: draws 20% more power than normal, but increasing firing rate by 10%!.
after the first prototype has been built, it goes back to the original build of that structure or gun ect.

Last but not least!
13: recycling (mid-big)
just a simple bench like a research table that scrap can be put on from dumps or home fields and turned into about 3 metal each piece of scrap, this makes it clear up dumps more and a little extra metal to use on projects.  maybe even have a chance like 0.5% of randomly finding a good gun within the scrap that wasn't noticed before?

there you have it guys. sorry if it was to long but yeah they are my ideas
please email me if you have comments or questions!



Leader (I saw this before): Select a leader > Happiness bonus to everybody = Leader Social comp.

Wire fencing:
+very cheap,
+can't be damaged with ranged weapon
+prevent from going through
+/-can shoot through
-very low health
-no cover bonus


Right-click Prioritize sleep/eat.

I'd love to be able to top off my workers so they will stay out longer, rather than having them go and sleep only to have them turn around in a few seconds because now they need a snack.
Reticulating all the splines.


a checkpoint flag that rallies and gathers all your colonists.


Pep-talk, a high social colonist can speak to a colonist who is approaching a breakdown to make them feel better.


How about stuff like melee weapons?
Like knives or katanans, maybe even a pencil? ;) ;)
You'know cuz you have a hand to hand skill.


Quote from: Renham on November 06, 2013, 09:16:21 PM
-Brain slug: found in wild animals and some plants, will provoke agresivity and confussion in the host.
cure: direct extraction, need to isolate the host in a cell to perform surgery.

-sand crabs: a sort of flea found in the sand an rocks, will cause small wounds and even bleeding in the host.
cure: antiparasite spray on the infected.

-flesh eating larvae: found in dead bodies when not burried or burnt, will provoke wounds and bleeding, may kill the host if found in large amounts.
cure: antiparasite spray

-cave lung sindrome: provoked for living underground without the proper ventilation and cleaning, may provoke sophocation and death of the patient.
cure: smath inhaler treatment, may take a few days.

-dark skin sindrome: provoked for having too much contact with minerals without the proper equipment, will cause weakness and tiredness.
cure: steech cream and flim syrup treatment, may take a few days.

-fungy skin sindrome: provoked for living underground for too long, without the proper cleaning, may cause permanent wounds.
cure: steech cream treatment.

urobor larvae: found in dead animals, will grow inside the host killing him and becoming a dangerous reptile like creature.
cure: surgery, althou only has 30% chance of success.

-surgery pod: used to perform surgery on a patient

-hospital bed: will alert the doctor when the patient is in need and provide nutrient paste when hungry.

-stasis pod: used to contain a patient till a cure is found, also used to study an illness

-medical research lab: used to research new cures

-air purification system: will clean the air in a certain area, may help fire to spread.

-medical cabinet: will contain medicine and other objects a doctor may use.

...That's not cheap : S
At least 3.5% more reliable than a garden strimmer.


 -- Weapon: Rocket Launcher:
Fires powerful rockets.
+ Fairly long range (about the same as a Lee Enfield).
+ Deals high damage to buildings (about the same as a grenade).
+ Splash damage to buildings.
+ Deals moderate damage to humans.
- Very slow firing rate.
- Very inaccurate.
- Heavy (slows movement rate when carried).

Basically this would prevent the player relying too much on entrenched defenses.
The low accuracy and lesser damage to humans would prevent this from being overpowered in the player's hands.
Possibly it should be very rare and/or only occur on higher difficulty levels.

AI use: Should be straightforward; just use the same AI as for Grenadiers, but fire from longer range.

-- Raider: Sappers:
Sappers can disarm Blasting Charges, rendering them harmless.
They show up with raiding parties and are used to clear a path through minefields.
There is a small chance (~5%) that the Blasting Charge will *instantly* explode (without waiting the normal time for the fuse to burn),
instead of being disarmed.
Colonists can rearm the charges later (so they are not lost permenantly), but again suffer the same ~5% chance of an instant explosion.

AI use: During the "staging" phase, the AI computes a path from the landing site to the player's base (I assume it has to do that later anyway!). The sapper tries to disable each blasting charge whose area of effect intersects the planned path. If the charge is activated and the Sapper is in range, he runs away. Once the staging phase is over he acts like a normal raider.

-- Mechanic: Sanity Meter:
Introduce a Sanity meter alongside Loyalty/Happiness/Fear.
The Sanity meter depeletes whenever Fear is greater than Happiness and recovers whenever Happiness is greater than Fear. Movement of this meter is slower than the others, so colonists will not quickly go insane just because they are frightened. Rather, insanity would occur if the colonist is subjected to consistent stress for a period of time.

If the Sanity meter drops below 10%, they will suffer a Mental Break (works just as it is now). If the Loyalty meter drops below 10%, they will *not* suffer a Mental Break. Instead, they will just try to leave the colony.


Ok, perhaps this fits better here than as a separate thread:

I have the following small suggestion: bind keys to the buttons in the dialog windows that appear. Example: I get a message about a part of my ship reentering the atmosphere near me. I click the letter icon and then need to click (CLICK!) one of "ok" and "focus on location" in the dialog window. I'd like to be able press ESC to dismiss the window without removing the message icon, press ENTER instead of clicking "ok" and some other button instead of clicking "focus on location".



- Wall/ceiling mounted lights.
- Research "brooms" for faster cleanup (or something more creative)