[question] Corrupted game

Started by Grimandevil, January 30, 2016, 02:25:25 PM

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ok, i was changing mods on existing game (i know, i know), it gave up some errors, but loaded. I wasnt intended to play right at the time, so i closed it.
Now, none of that colony saves load (black screen on load). I've changed to 100% working mod config(used in saves), but it didnt help.
I'd understand if 1 save got corrupted, but they all behave same.

So my question is: what else could get corrupted? (I want to know, what i need to back up)
welcome to the Rimworld - a world full of cannibal drug-addicted psychos, but free of vegetarians.


This happens when changing mods. any change in mods causes the saves from previous saves to error. HOWEVER updating a mod does not as long as no new defs are added. alterations to the defs are fine.


welcome to the Rimworld - a world full of cannibal drug-addicted psychos, but free of vegetarians.