[Feature Change] Traits

Started by Vagabond, February 15, 2016, 02:00:48 PM

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With the upcoming alterations to relationships in Alpha 13 I find myself thinking of a way to provide a "relationship web" type of thing to aid in determining how colonists decide if they like each other or not. Skimming through my old suggestions I found that I already had the idea before. I want to put it forward for people to see again.


Traits are used to define the personality of each character and how they interact with one another. There are four categories of traits: Physical, Mental, Social, and Interests; each character has one of each. Certain traits are incompatible with other traits or backgrounds. Each trait has at least one trait it reacts positively to, at least one trait it reacts negatively to, and at least one trait it reacts neutrally to. A trait need not react the same way another trait reacts to it. Traits can affect relationship levels through proximity, proximity during work, proximity during free time, and conversations.

-Traits that affect a colonist's muscular strength, finesse, and physical resilience. Affects relationships through proximity.

Example: Body Builder- Physical fitness is like religion to [Character Name], [he/she] spends an hour a day doing a  grueling workout. (Ignoring work, [he/she] works out for an hour, but can haul twice as much as other colonists and deals extra damage in melee combat; receives a negative moodlet if prevented from [his/her] workout)

-Traits that determine a colonist's presence, charisma, and composure. Affects relationships through conversations.

Example: Pacifist Convert- An enlightening moment of self reflection made [Character's Name] decide to lay down his arms and take up rhetoric ((Ranged + melee)/2 added to social. Social made available if otherwise disabled, and ranged and melee made unavailable.)

-Traits that affect a colonist's ability to process information, responsiveness to things perceived, and mental fortitude. Affects relationships through proximity during work and conversation.

Example: Genius Recluse- [Character Name] is a genius in [his/her] field, but is anti-social. ([Character Name] receives a work speed modifier and x amount of skill points in either researching, medicine, art, or crafting; whichever is highest.)

-Traits that determine what colonists particularly enjoy or dislike in regards to activities or even foods; things that aren't related to experience based skills. Affects relationships through proximity during free time and conversation.

Example: Video Gamer- [Character Name] love playing video games, and would do only that if [he/she] could, as such, "easy" food has always been a must. ( Will spend every minute he has to spare playing video games, negative moodlet if he doesn't have access to games; [he/she] treats lavish meals as simple, and simple meals as lavish)

Colonist have one trait from each category as a way to help flesh out their personalities. Colonists will like or dislike each other based on their traits. Compatible traits will yield positive relationship gain, incompatible traits will yield negative relationship gain, and of course some traits don't have any impact on each other.

As examples:

The body builder trait would react badly to a "Couchpotatoe"  trait.
but positively to a "Yoga Girl" trait.
and neutrally to a "Survivalist" trait.

The Pacifist Convert would react badly to a "warmonger" trait.
but positively to a "Zen Gardener" trait.
and neutrally to a "Lawmaker" trait.

The Genius Recluse would react badly to a "Resident Gossiper" trait.
but positively to a "Talented Writer" trait.
and neutrally to a "Inquisitive Mute" trait.

The Video Gamer would react badly to a "Sarkeesian Follower" trait. >.>;
but positively to a "Game Developer" trait.
and neutrally to a "Discordant Blogger (A.k.a Troll)"

As an addendum, I think the examples I provided show how we can make traits that add interesting elements to game play.



Quote from: Vagabond on February 15, 2016, 02:00:48 PM
The Video Gamer would react badly to a "Sarkeesian Follower" trait. >.>;

I lol'd silently... lis'd?