Food disappears if dropped on stove while cooking

Started by asanbr, February 19, 2016, 05:29:06 PM

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My cook Rafael had just come back from a training session with the newly bought Warg. He was carrying 9* elephant meat and started to cook. He picked up another 5 elephant meat and 5 rice and put them on the stove to make a fine meal.

While he was cooking, I looked in his inventory and saw that he was carrying 9 elephant meat. Since I didn't want to waste that on animal training, I ordered to drop the meat.

Since he was standing next to the stack of 5 meat which he was cooking, the 9 meat joined the 5 to make a stack of 14, on top of the stove.

When he finished cooking the fine meal, the stack of 14 disappeared together with the 5 rice, and he went to store the 1 fine meal that he just created.

I think anyone could reproduce this, it seems like a natural course of events.



Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog