Speech Balloons

Started by not_incline, February 24, 2016, 10:33:35 PM

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giving colonists "speech balloons" or "thought clouds". I dont know the right term but can we add these feature ? And it needs an on/off button joining the buttons bottom right. I call it buttons, my bad. well it is featured now when they are talking, but i think the idea might be cool

- i think it adds more interaction with the gamer.
- Since the next alpha is more about the relationships between colonists imo it might help.

My thoughts:
- Well, i think that its not necessary to be words, symbols will suffice like when they doing work and symbol for work will pop out, when theyre out for blood a symbol of knife or blood pops out above their heads. Raiders with thoughts looks cool though.

-it might be another bone to chew and hard to insert to this game. but imo its cool.

there was a boy
he likes this specific toy


did anyone ever suggested this ? well if it has im backing them up haha :) :)
there was a boy
he likes this specific toy


I'm about 89% sure colonists already give speech bubbles when talking with others.
The bubble is blank though.


yeah . already mentioned btw haha. well i think its cool if its not blank though and not only when theyre talking
there was a boy
he likes this specific toy


This sounds a bit like sims with the conversation bubbles.

With the on off button and only showing actual job this could give the possibity to have a quick overview of the jobs done without switching through all pawns in a colony one by one.


Making the bubbles big enough to read the text wouldn't be a good move in my opinion. I could see MAYBE having some kind of symbol in the thought bubble, like a sad face for a bad conversation or heart for lovers in the new relationship system, but honestly its a feature I could live without.