Countdown to Rimworld 2

Started by mabor0shi, January 17, 2019, 05:44:20 AM

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Quote from: catter on June 08, 2021, 02:14:45 AM8434

Hey mabor0shi, maybe you could make a guest appearance to your own thread?
Came out of retirement to make my 1,000th post. It has been 8413 days since my last post. It was a simpler time. If anyone's interested, I have a Reddit account you can hit me up on. It's mab0roshi.
Cool Mod, Bro Everything in RimWorld doesn't have to be either brown or grey anymore: Now you can Pick a Color!


8412. How sad, these were the days logging in every day to count down lmao. Rest in peace.
- The Squirrel-Llama Manhunting Association CEO