How useful are traps?

Started by Tynan, March 10, 2016, 04:37:54 PM

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How useful are traps like the deadfall or IEDs?

Extremely useful - I put them everywhere.
Very useful - I almost always have some.
Somewhat useful - I use them sometimes.
Not very useful - I rarely build them.
Useless - I pretty much never use these.


I've built bases that could use traps, but i just don't bother.

I tend to either play with a killbox that doesn't really need the traps (i don't want to risk raiders choosing to chop down a wall rather than walk thru a trap laden hallway), or in an open style base where i play peekaboo out of various building doors until the raiders are dead (this always EVENTUALLY dies to a gigantic tribal raid, since i don't use turrets in those).

I'd like to see explosive and incendiary traps easier to make, have a larger trigger radius (since stepping on a single tile isn't always a sure thing, unless you cheese your base to do so), and have turrets and pawns shoot at "on-fire" enemies