Game getting Boring after a while, some ideas

Started by humblebundle, March 20, 2016, 11:10:22 AM

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Don't get me wrong, this game is one of the best i have played the last 10 years.
But after like 2 days, the game gets boring very fast and i start all over.
I love the details with the hit-system, but after researched everything and build everything good, there should something more.
So i was thinking and thinking, what could make the game more exciting.

-  The first which come to my mind was traveling, why not giving the player the ability to attack the OTHER fractions or change the map and come back at any time? That would be great!
So it would be great giving the player the ability to build like a car or something, so they can move from one place to another, but the car need fuell, like wood or coal (coal will be created if wood is burning)

- Also blueprints would be great, if you could buy and find blueprints of ANY item, i mean you can only buy some stuff like the lovely BTL-Chip and other armors.
It would help keeping the fun of the game, if you could find more and more stuff to research and build, instead of waiting days for the trader or something.

- More operations, i love the operations[med.]system, it would be great, if you could get more stuff from them, like nose, ears and on.

- more furniture, would be great to have more stuff to make the colonists feel better or entertain them
english is not my main language, that should explain a lot...


Thats what mods are for, modding this game is the simplest modding ever, drag, drop, done.
I add like 20 mods and make a map last months of fun!


It would be cool to be able to grow organs in a lab. I suppose there is must be a mod for that.


There are multiple, the one i use is Simple Prosthetics and Organ Engineering i think