[A13] Scribe defaults: PawnRecentMemory.lastLightTick or lastOutdoorTick

Started by Alistaire, April 07, 2016, 05:32:31 PM

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// RimWorld.PawnRecentMemory.ctor
private int lastLightTick = 999999;
private int lastOutdoorTick = 999999;


// RimWorld.PawnRecentMemory.ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastLightTick, "lastLightTick", 0, false);
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastOutdoorTick, "lastOutdoorTick", 0, false);

Again, unspawned pawns cluttering savefiles with <last___Tick>999999</last____Tick>. Since spawned pawns will not have values of these
proportions it is only useful for pawns that have not been spawned yet.

Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastLightTick, "lastLightTick", 999999, false);
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastOutdoorTick, "lastOutdoorTick", 999999, false);