Reattaching minor body bits?

Started by AllenWL, April 09, 2016, 08:48:38 AM

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Seeing how missing body bits has a bit more impact, is there a way to replace eyes/noses/ears/etc?
I know you can get a bionic eye, but a low-cost eye replacement would be nice. Is there any such thing in the game?


It would be nice, the disfigured social debuff is not cool.


I don't know if there is anything like this in the base game, as it has honestly been a while since I've played vanilla RimWorld, but there are mods that add things like eye patches or glass eyes


Tycho Brahe had a silver nose and he lived in the 13th century (I think); I don't see why we can't have a smith make prosthetic superficial noses and such to reduce the social impact.


I think a simple fix would be that minor body parts fall to the floor as items. And like in real life. There's only a small window of time before you either reattach via surgery or freeze it till you can do so.

With medicine and high skill doctors and the ability to make freezers. We have all the in game tools necessary to do this.


You could also maybe add a mask as an item that can be made and worn as also isnt terribly uncommon for people both past and present to wear a mask if they have been disfigured. At the very lest it could counter the debuff.


I dunno. It's kind of fun having a colony full of disfigured people who all hate each other because of their various missing appendages


Maybe, but I think we should have the option to *not* have the husband hate the wife and divorce her because she lost a ear rescuing him from hostile mechanoids.


Yeah, the debuff is really just a little too strong. if it were temporary maybe it wouldnt be so bad. realistically people would just get use to it, so if it only caused a problem for a month or two wouldn't be too bad. I imagine it would make it harder to recruit, but there wouldn't be as many issues within the colony. I really wish that there was someway that you could manage societal norms. Lots of cultures look at scars and disfigurements as badges of honor rather than something to shy away from.


It'd be nice if there where traits like 'dislikes scars' 'likes scars' or whatever, but we have more than enough traits as it is....


Actually, the way the system works now is perfect. Not many people are "cool" with hanging out with the disfigured dude, Rimworld realistically simulates whether or not people can look past that difference, as many people can't for some reason.

Mikhail Reign

Quote from: Klitri on April 10, 2016, 03:15:39 PM
Actually, the way the system works now is perfect. Not many people are "cool" with hanging out with the disfigured dude, Rimworld realistically simulates whether or not people can look past that difference, as many people can't for some reason.

Wait, what? Who gives a shit if someones got a scar? My dad has a nose that has been broken more times then you can count, been half scalped which left a scar along his hair line (sheat of iron blew off a roof he was working on and caught him in the head), crushed fingers, a star picket go through his knee - the list goes on - and I don't think anyone has ever not spoken to him because of any of that because he is a nice person.

You telling me you wouldn't talk to a firey because they have some burns?

I (and I hope most people) couldn't really give a shit what someone looks like, especially if it was a wound they sustained helping others, which when you get down to it, is how every wound in Rimworld comes about.


Quote from: Klitri on April 10, 2016, 03:15:39 PM
Actually, the way the system works now is perfect. Not many people are "cool" with hanging out with the disfigured dude, Rimworld realistically simulates whether or not people can look past that difference, as many people can't for some reason.

Maybe, but when half your colony are scarred in some way then it kinda starts to get ridiculous


Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 10, 2016, 05:21:08 PM
Quote from: Klitri on April 10, 2016, 03:15:39 PM
Actually, the way the system works now is perfect. Not many people are "cool" with hanging out with the disfigured dude, Rimworld realistically simulates whether or not people can look past that difference, as many people can't for some reason.

Wait, what? Who gives a shit if someones got a scar? My dad has a nose that has been broken more times then you can count, been half scalped which left a scar along his hair line (sheat of iron blew off a roof he was working on and caught him in the head), crushed fingers, a star picket go through his knee - the list goes on - and I don't think anyone has ever not spoken to him because of any of that because he is a nice person.

You telling me you wouldn't talk to a firey because they have some burns?

I (and I hope most people) couldn't really give a shit what someone looks like, especially if it was a wound they sustained helping others, which when you get down to it, is how every wound in Rimworld comes about.

Oh relax


Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 10, 2016, 05:21:08 PM
Quote from: Klitri on April 10, 2016, 03:15:39 PM
Actually, the way the system works now is perfect. Not many people are "cool" with hanging out with the disfigured dude, Rimworld realistically simulates whether or not people can look past that difference, as many people can't for some reason.

Wait, what? Who gives a shit if someones got a scar? My dad has a nose that has been broken more times then you can count, been half scalped which left a scar along his hair line (sheat of iron blew off a roof he was working on and caught him in the head), crushed fingers, a star picket go through his knee - the list goes on - and I don't think anyone has ever not spoken to him because of any of that because he is a nice person.

You telling me you wouldn't talk to a firey because they have some burns?

I (and I hope most people) couldn't really give a shit what someone looks like, especially if it was a wound they sustained helping others, which when you get down to it, is how every wound in Rimworld comes about.

calm down man, as far as current RW mechanics go, the disfigured debuff works perfectly