Heat wave and cold snap?

Started by Florius, November 27, 2015, 01:54:21 PM

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Okay, I am confused... Should it be warm or cold now?
I have both a heat wave, and a cold snap?
The heat wave started August the 6th, and the cold snap the 8th of august?

(And a toxic fallout, and why not, even a eclipse, but that's why I love Rimworld!)


I'm guessing you're saying that it's a bug to have both heat wave & cold snap events simultaneously?


Well obviously  :-[ Seems a little contradictory to have both in 2 days, in August?


I agree, that does seem strange.  It could be a bug, or it could be working as intended (some planets are inherently unstable).

And your 1st post wasn't entirely clear.  I had to decide whether you were confused about the Outdoors temperature, or the fact that 2 temperature events overlapped.

Out of curiosity, what was the temperature during all of that?

In case you encounter any future bugs, please read how to report bugs:


I have a savegame, so can always upload that, and that should make it clear.
And the temperature is 16C.

I thought I uploaded a screenshot, but apparrantly forgot to place it.
So a screenshot: http://puu.sh/lGNlb/f394592e13.jpg


hmm, not sure it should be possible for it to happen or not


It shouldn't be possible. Fixed, thanks.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog