fill out tool (stockpiles, floor etc)

Started by matthiaskrgr, May 28, 2016, 07:15:50 PM

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The engine is already able to determine when something is an enclosed room (for room stats and temperature).
I'd love to have some kind of "fill out" room so you can one-click-create a stockpile which fills out the entire room with a stockpile zone.
Same could work for floor actions (remove/smooth/carpet)

This probably has been suggested before but I couldn't find it easily enough. :p


It better be market value based, I don't want raiders to retreat with a handful of potatoes rotting in the fields.


I bet this would be an easy one to do, though value weighed vs other things.  Reason is that in a way, there is a fill up room with the beacons now.  Build beacon, create stockpile and it limits it to just that room.  There are other mechanics that also detect room borders so aside from how to have it selectable would be the toughest part.

If I was to do it, I would remove the dumping stockpile perhaps and replace that selector with a room stockpile?  So current stockpile button becomes custom stockpile and the other is room stockpile that autofills the room.
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