Prevent animals from drinking beer

Started by AllenWL, April 13, 2016, 06:13:26 AM

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Simply, I would like a mod to prevent animals drinking beer, so I can brew beer without fear of my attack bears drinking themselves dead.


Quote from: AllenWL on April 13, 2016, 06:13:26 AM
Simply, I would like a mod to prevent animals drinking beer, so I can brew beer without fear of my attack bears drinking themselves dead.
You can resize their allowed areas until then, to not contain your beer storage....

Jakub k.

yeah but what about mufflos who enter the map along with caravans? and thrumbos? they can get drunk for sure


'Hey, look, a trade ship is flying by'
'Dude, get us some beer, our stocks are getting real low'
'Sure thing'

-some time later-

'Where's the beer?'
*Hauler points to comatose elephant he dragged in*