How is the pacing (density of events) in Alpha 13 Randy Random?

Started by Tynan, April 13, 2016, 03:46:31 PM

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How is the pacing (density of events) in Alpha 13 Randy Random?

Way too fast, I'm overwhelmed by stuff happening all the time.
A bit too fast. I feel overwhelmed pretty often and wish there was more time to chill.
Just about right. Stuff happens, and it can get hectic, but there's also room to breathe.
Too slow. Stuff happens, but the game drags while I wait for the next event sometimes.
Way too slow. I'm frequently waiting for another event to spice things up.


Played him for about 2 years. The only time I felt not bored was when he launched two sappers, on the same piece of wall in quick succession. But that was easy to deal with. Other than that, mostly bored.

Had 11 enemy raids, 13 major threats. Two times were hives, one was evil ship, 1 siege, 2 sappers. Rest were ordinary raids. All were very easy to deal with. Days since my arrival: 112.

Also had quite a bit of eclipses, but I didnt care much for them, since my base ran solely on geothermal. About half of the events were cargo pods, and there were a lot of them. Heat waves, stuff breaking down, and caravans were also very common. Space traders did come too, but were slightly rare (and had barely anything to trade). Lost only one of my colonists, when he was one-shot by a sniper rifle shot to his torso (nudists are not good soldiers). 3 Prison  breaks occurred as well, but due to my base design, were easily put down. One blight forced me to butcher a raider too, that wasnt such a bad time. But thats it, nothing more.


Thanks all.

I'd love to get thoughts from more people on this.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


I am noticing a large gap between major events like raids. I'm about 150 days in and I haven't even seen a siege yet, with about 2 total sapper attempts. Randy was hitting me hard with tribal raids for the first 50-70ish days and then just kinda gave up.

I have gotten plenty of minor events like machine breakdowns and mad animals, but those are really no more than a small annoyance at worst. It might just be Randy Random being exactly that, just random. Major events could use a bit of a buff in terms of call probability because only having angry turtles and the occasional pirate attack as target practice at this point is starting to get boring.


i voted, but didn't post.

Randy needs to be harder...
there is currently a "slow" storyteller, a "gradual" storyteller and then randy...

He's random, but really only in the fact that he ignores some cooldown times for certain events.  Sometimes.  Maybe.

The game lacks a "fast paced" storyteller.  Randy should be that.

Pheobe throws events nice and slow and spaced, letting the biome, difficulty, and individual pawns take center stage.

Cassandra strikes a balance, leaving you alone or helping early on, then ramping up slowly harder and harder.

Randy should just chain events at you rapid fire...good/bad/whatever.  Currently he follows the last part...randomly picking events and hitting you with them (even wanderers and cargo pod streaks!), but the pace is still pretty laid back for a storyteller that's just looking for drama and an exciting story.  Randy should be the guy who can actually save your ice sheet colony with 2 raids and a boomalope manhunter pack at once...a storyteller where the events are the main plot and the individual colonists cope with the events rather than try to strike a perfect environmental balance.


Randy is good. He gets a little slow later on, but he more than makes up for it by dropping an infestation, a mech swarm and a mad beaver all at once. He does do quite a bit more lulling now before insanity takes hold though.
It is regular practice to install peg legs and dentures on anyone you don't like around here. Think about that.


What thane said. Had a psychic ship happen and at the same time psychic animal wave, to be followed by droppod mechs a day after :D He can certainly hit hard, but the downtimes between the events is a bit too long.


I voted that he is ok as is, but I would say he is too hard at the beginning (i play randy rough): when we are still 3 and no defenses built, no medicines, no weapons.. the 5 tribals on second wave are as lethal as a centipede. Feel frustrated, have to reload every second just to not have to start a new game, choose better colonists and map.

Later he looks well balanced (some say too easy, not me!).

Haven't played long enough to see if the thousands of enemies that spawned in A12 around year 20 are still there to make you decide that the game is not planned for lasting so long (i mean, if doubleclicking you can select up to 80 things then 300 manhunting animals are not supposed happen at all).

Switching to lower difficulties it looks to keep you too poor cause of the less loot.
And as always.. sorry for my bad english


Still no raiders for a while, but Randy didn't forget me.


I played a 3 year colony and all went too well.

There wasn't even a ship part. and only 2 infestations. Played on Randy Challange.

For me, it's too slow. Need more havoc.


I feel that the pacing is good, but there are too many mad animals. It seems to happen too often. Also, I will have periods where Randy lets me live peacefully for a few weeks then BAM! A raid which I defeat, then immediately drop pods right on top of me, then a fire in my workshop (fire is deadly inside a mountain base, temperature spikes to over 1000F very quickly) all within a few days. I like the crisis management of it all, but sometimes randy acts a bit weird. He will let you have your sweet victories but later he will swat you down with no remorse. I like it.


I only play Randy and I'm kind of enjoying the slower pace in the beginning but during the later seasons, it's a little slow.  Just don't go in the other direction and make him crazy again  ;)


My latest randy colony is the longest I've run in A13. Not sure how to describe it.

Might need to make a distinction between big events and filler events. Technically, things are happening. Doesn't feel like it though.


I've enjoyed the pace, but I think I've had a really hectic run with the RNG based on what others are saying. I'm only two years in and on rough (I wanted to get a handle on the new tech and I didn't play so much in alpha 12) and I've had a poison ship part, 4 infestations (3 ended up major, including one that spawned less than a week after I cleared the previous one with fire), mechanoid raids, a wave of 30 muffalo, and the assorted pirate drops, sappers, and tribals. Many of those were closely stacked with brief calms in between (yay true randomness producing clusters!)

The only thing I'm not really enjoying is that half of my colony is sick at any given time. Just as I started typing this reply 5 of my colonists came down with malaria, just a couple days after two came down with sleeping sickness. This is the second or third time I've had 7 or more laid up at one time, and my population is at an all time high of 14 right now. Maybe I'm not understanding something about how illness works, but it seems like I get mass long term illnesses as my primary event. I hope there's eventually some tech in to reduce the occurrence of certain types of illness. I'd happily incur a small mood penalty to have all my colonists sleeping under some damned mosquito nets!

Edit: Less than a day later 3 more colonists have gut worms, so I have 10 illnesses in a week. I'm letting two colonists die because they're nervous/jealous and keep berzerking in the hospital. I'm wondering if there are just too many potential illness events for Randy to be good in the jungle.

Second Edit: 2 days later, two more cases of sleeping sickness. My 40+ medicine are gone - good thing I stockpiled 120 herbals. Talk about density... Good old Randy!