Suggestions for Tynan on improvements to RimWorld.

Started by Kysus, January 31, 2014, 03:43:55 AM

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Hello Tynan,

I have to say that the game is looking great.  Here's a few suggestions I came up with to possibly help improve the game.  Let me know if you like any of them. :)

1) Missle Silos - longer range than a gun turret and BYPASSES all objects until it lands in a random spot within a 5x5 area which explodes as a grenade explosion

2) Grenades - Should be thrown a little more quicker.  It's much easier to toss a grenade than to reload a gun.  Grenades should not cause fire but should have a 20% chance to stun anyone in the blast radius.  (Maybe it does this already?)

3) Molotov Cocktail - Should be thrown a little quicker.  Molotovs should keep the ability to set things on fire as this makes more unique compared to grenades.

4) Bow and Arrow - Should be implemented for early start or primitive bandits.

5) Melee weapons - Please add a few melee weapons that increase dmg by 5-15 points.  Typically it's not worth meleeing as it does poor dmg and the character typically dies before he gets to the enemy.

6) Improve description on priorities for Stockpiles/etc - it took me about an hour to find out why my citizens were eating raw potatos and wouldn't load them into the hopper.  It was because the priority level of the stockpile was greater than the hoppers.

7) Geothermal energy is by far superior to Solar.  Maybe reduce the effectiveness of it slightly?  Not sure if it's an unlimited supply but atm I'm able to power 10x as much as a Solar panel.

8. Maybe implement a feature to convince a wanderer to join instead of jailing them.  Which allows you a chance to recruit them at 25-40% chance possibly?  Seems awkward throwing everyone I see into Jail that's not from my town.

9) Allow Mufulo/Squirrels to be harvested as 30-45 beef which can be eaten or turned into paste for consumption.

10) Atm it feels as if the Lee Enfield and M21 (Sniper) are superior compared to what other guns I've ran across.  1 bandit can shoot down all turret defenses without getting shot. (Suggested Missle Silos to help defend against longer range opponents but Silos add a decent amount of randomness to their location of impact to keep them from being OP) I'd recommend reducing the pistol's range slightly and the Lee Enfield some.  (The shotgun range seems fine but may be reduced a tiny bit also if needed.)

11) Fog of War

12) Working gun racks - atm I'm using zones just for placing weapons to choose from depending on the enemies.

13) Wells - citizens must go to collect water from ponds/rivers to fill up wells.  Consumption amount should be low at first and tweaked higher if needed.  (This could tie in with fightfighters, drawing water from wells and running over and dumping water on the fires to douse fires faster.)

14) Implement a Sickness condition that people can get if they come in contact with a Sickly plants/animals/food?  (Poison status prevents them from passively healing hp until a doctor heals them.  Doctors give shots to players that are sick?)

15) Add glow rocks that can be mined after Advanced Mining Research which you can mine and place at a location to shine light without the need of electricity (light radius is smaller than lamps)

16) Add sand worms? Maybe enable/disable option during map creation.  Stronger than Mufulo and same size or larger but can only move on sand (or under sand).  Also, when animals go crazy it seems really weird that they immendiately go across the entire map to attack my team, maybe add logic that they attack any person (or creature) within a certain radius?  Maybe rephrase it to "The animal has contracted rabies." also?

17) Allow the ability to right click on an enemy when you have multiple citizens selected to order them all to fire.  Presently you have to order each one individually.

If I think of any more ideas I'll add them to this thread.  Hope at least some of these suggestions help!


Hello, and welcome to the Rimworld Forums!  ;) (as this seems like your first post)

Here is my opinions on your suggestions:

1. Partly agreeable, considering the missiles- resource is already in the game (even though it might be a discarded system from a prototype- game of Rimworld that is not yet removed). If implemented, it should be an expensive, lategame buildingalternative.

2. Is reasonable when you look at it in that way, but considering grenades have unlimited ammo and a lot of dammage, it would turn into a pretty OP weapon.

(PAQ1: It won't be too OP because of the range.
Answer: Yes it would, considering the possibilities of hiding behind a mountain- formation to force the raiders into range)

3. Kinda the same arguments from up there ^

4. That's a good idea, thinking about Rimworld actually beiing set in a world with huge differences in technology between the universe.

5. Agree, but i would also have made the melee weapons take more dammage, considering that they are melee weapons and as armour is supposed to come in a future update.

6. Have to kinda disagree with you on that, despite that this is a very private and individual problem.
I found that out pretty quick, but for all of those who doesn't, remember that we have got both the adaptive tutor and the wiki button in the game.

7. Trust me... When in late game, you would wish the geothermal generators was produsing more energy (but that really depends on how you play, though). The use of geothermal powerstations is already handicapped by spreading the geysirs all over the map, which really makes them vulnerable for raider attacks.

8. I kinda like this idea, but i don't think that it necessarilly
should get a positive boost in percentage of convincing them. If we, however, were to add small backstories to why they are wandering there in the first place (like "She is escaping from a prison!" would give a positive bonus, and "she is going to visit her dying mother" would give a negative bonus), the percentages could vary depending on them.

9. Agree and planned

10. Agreeing with that it is goddamn hard to get the raiders ehn they are 40 blocks (or so...) away and firing at you with the most powerful weapons in the game, but that is how it would have been in reality too. That's when you have to be smarter then them; check tactic in end of #2 ^)

11. agree and planned

12. Here, im not following (i does not see the problem, but probably because i haven't experienced it myself...)

13. Nice idea :)

14. Nice, agree and planned (i believe)

15. I believe this is debatable, and I have no current opinion of it myself.

16. a) little info on that suggestion, but it might be a cool one. However, if it is the same idea as the one for implementing worms and such into mountains to handicap you when building mountain- bunker, i do not agree)

     b) seems reasonable, however, thats just specifying the already excisting concept. That the animal has got rabies and that it has gone mad is about the same thing, but specified. If the lack of specific info annoyes you, this is a real suggestion.

17. Agree a litle, only for me it doesn't hurt hitting the pause- button and do it manually from there

Thank you for all of these suggestions that may improve the game :). Keep at the good work and loving Rimworld :D

1: Probably Asked Question


A couple things I'll throw my input in on.

1) With the missiles that are there in the traders menus I was thinking it would be more along the lines of a Surface-Surface artillery missile (like the Spike) from a mounted position, rather than a silo based ballistic missile.

2&3) I just think they need to have an ammo count for these. It'll make you have to decide whether or not they are worth it in a particular fight or if you should save them and it's a bonus for killing these guys faster.

4) I feel like there's probably plans for that as I believe it was in one of the descriptions of the game.

5) I'd actually like to see melee combat become a main focus early-mid game with guns being significantly rarer. I mean, if you're trapped on a random anywhere really you're going to be able to make some form of melee weapon far more readily than a ranged automatic weapon. Also if armour gets implemented it could be another strategy based on the type of armour in the manner that while kevlar is good for stopping bullets, it's not great for stopping blades. (And vice versa with plate/chain armour and bullets)

7) Geothermal can be powerful energy regardless and I think it's good the way it is. Your colony will still outgrow it, particularly late game and as more stuff is added. I've had colonies need three Geo plants with supplementation from Solar.

8) Could be something for high social pawns (15+ or something). Currently it's more of a detain and assimilate.

10) All about planning. remove debris and hiding spots and force them to come to you. Counter with your own snipers. One raider with a sniper may be able to take out a colony of M16s, but it sure has trouble against a colony with two snipers.

11) I feel it'll come with larger map sizes and optimization. I'd like to see it akin to Rise of Nations style where you can discover what's in the darkness, but to hold it back you need outposts.

12) I think Tynan has addressed this. I haven't used gun racks yet because that's a low priority for me and so I can't say for sure. I do believe I heard that they weren't working properly but they were working in previous versions so it's probably temporary. Racks look nicer and you could use them to just store specific types of weapons.

13)  Would add another layer of challenge. Could be interesting if when there are different biome types (hot, dry biomes vs Wet or Cold biomes)

14) I want to see Medpacks useful first, but sickness, again, is another useable level of difficulty.

15) Personally, I don't think so. Maybe though.

16) I think when animals go mad they should wander and detect people like raiders do instead of bull-rushing across the map. (as mentioned)

17) I'm going to hit between the last two posts and say that you should be able to select multiple colonists and tell them to fire at an enemy. This won't take all concentration off other enemies and you can customize how much fire you want in one area. Seems like a reasonable compromise.



Quote1) Missle Silos - longer range than a gun turret and BYPASSES all objects until it lands in a random spot within a 5x5 area which explodes as a grenade explosion

I'd prefer missiles to be something that has to be manned, or remotely manned by a citizen. I think Gun Turrets should be the same way, though.

Quote2) Grenades - Should be thrown a little more quicker.  It's much easier to toss a grenade than to reload a gun.  Grenades should not cause fire but should have a 20% chance to stun anyone in the blast radius.  (Maybe it does this already?)

3) Molotov Cocktail - Should be thrown a little quicker.  Molotovs should keep the ability to set things on fire as this makes more unique compared to grenades.

For these two, I think that (like guns), they shouldn't have infinite use. I'd prefer if they worked kind of like in X-COM where they are accessories. Soldiers will chuck them at enemies behind cover, but won't throw it if it'll destroy colonist-made objects. Guns should need to be repaired and reloaded from ammo; you should need to "refill" a soldier's supply of "accessory" items like grenades.

Quote4) Bow and Arrow - Should be implemented for early start or primitive bandits.

Bows/crossbows and arrows/bolts would be awesome. Space-travel technology would probably allow for production of pretty advanced (material-wise) versions.

Quote5) Melee weapons - Please add a few melee weapons that increase dmg by 5-15 points.  Typically it's not worth meleeing as it does poor dmg and the character typically dies before he gets to the enemy.
I'd like melee weapons, too. Would be good for when we have armor. It would also fit in with what I previously said about grenade/molotovs. A person could have a primary weapon (rifle/shotgun), a secondary (pistol/melee weapon), and accessory items. Along the same lines, I think tools should have to be equipped as either primary/secondary weapons, since they are generally that size. So your miner will actually be equipped with his pick, and if you are attacked, he'd have to go get another weapon or use that.

Quote6) Improve description on priorities for Stockpiles/etc - it took me about an hour to find out why my citizens were eating raw potatos and wouldn't load them into the hopper.  It was because the priority level of the stockpile was greater than the hoppers.

Not sure I get this one.

Quote7) Geothermal energy is by far superior to Solar.  Maybe reduce the effectiveness of it slightly?  Not sure if it's an unlimited supply but atm I'm able to power 10x as much as a Solar panel.

Realistically geothermal energy is, by far, superior to solar. As far as I know, anyways. I'd still like to see other forms of energy generation. Aside from geothermal and solar, there are also possibilities of wind and hydroelectric (if we get oceans or whatever).

Quote8. Maybe implement a feature to convince a wanderer to join instead of jailing them.  Which allows you a chance to recruit them at 25-40% chance possibly?  Seems awkward throwing everyone I see into Jail that's not from my town.

Yes! Please! I always feel bad about just snatching up innocent dudes. . .But I need them! Also think this should extend to raiders. I mean, why raid if you're being offered stable living?

Quote9) Allow Mufulo/Squirrels to be harvested as 30-45 beef which can be eaten or turned into paste for consumption.

A "hunt" button, like the harvest button. Select what you want to hunt, and your hunters will go out and kill the critters. Would be good for guys with crossbows/bows, because you could recover arrows/bolts.

Quote10) Atm it feels as if the Lee Enfield and M21 (Sniper) are superior compared to what other guns I've ran across.  1 bandit can shoot down all turret defenses without getting shot. (Suggested Missle Silos to help defend against longer range opponents but Silos add a decent amount of randomness to their location of impact to keep them from being OP) I'd recommend reducing the pistol's range slightly and the Lee Enfield some.  (The shotgun range seems fine but may be reduced a tiny bit also if needed.)

I pretty much use M16s and M21s exclusively. I build in defensible locations where I can only be attacked from a smallish corridor. I build trenches into the sides of the corridor for my m16 dudes to camp in, while my snipers are at the end of it. I don't use turrets because they are more of a hassle then they are worth.

Quote11) Fog of War

Yea, I'd like that too, but as someone else suggested, I'd like a way to push it back in a semi-permanent manner (like outposts). Some sort of scanner (like the imperial guard have in DoW, or Terrans have in SC), where I can scan an area to see it for a few moments.

Quote12) Working gun racks - atm I'm using zones just for placing weapons to choose from depending on the enemies.

Never had this problem.

Quote13) Wells - citizens must go to collect water from ponds/rivers to fill up wells.  Consumption amount should be low at first and tweaked higher if needed.  (This could tie in with fightfighters, drawing water from wells and running over and dumping water on the fires to douse fires faster.)

I like it; Would also be cool to set up sprinkler systems in your buildings. Would be nice to be able to be able to make your walls permanently, or temporarily immune to fire somehow. Fire-retardation techniques.

Quote14) Implement a Sickness condition that people can get if they come in contact with a Sickly plants/animals/food?  (Poison status prevents them from passively healing hp until a doctor heals them.  Doctors give shots to players that are sick?)

Injury, pain, and sickness needs an overhaul, I think(or be implemented). I don't care for "HP" systems. I'd prefer it if after a successful hit, hit location is determined. Getting hit in different places does different things. Pain thresholds should vary; a particularly tough guy might be able to keep using an arm that was shot. Someone else might get punched and be incapacitated from pain.

Quote15) Add glow rocks that can be mined after Advanced Mining Research which you can mine and place at a location to shine light without the need of electricity (light radius is smaller than lamps)

Think I'd prefer ceiling/wall lamps. Something your dudes can walk beside/under.

Quote16) Add sand worms? Maybe enable/disable option during map creation.  Stronger than Mufulo and same size or larger but can only move on sand (or under sand).  Also, when animals go crazy it seems really weird that they immendiately go across the entire map to attack my team, maybe add logic that they attack any person (or creature) within a certain radius?  Maybe rephrase it to "The animal has contracted rabies." also?

GRABOIDS! That'd be awesome. "Where'd Bill go?. . . Aw shiet, he got gobbled by a graboid....". I agree about animals turning into homing missiles. I don't like it. Same thing with Raiders.  Would be especially annoying when FoW is implemented.

Quote17) Allow the ability to right click on an enemy when you have multiple citizens selected to order them all to fire.  Presently you have to order each one individually.

