[obsolete]Rework thoughts system for organ- and limb transplant

Started by Shabazza, April 17, 2016, 09:44:46 AM

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It's understandable that a colonist is unhappy to get a limb or organ amputated.
Or even if he knows of a prisoner that got his organs harvested.
But I think there should be a more distinct buff/debuff system when it comes to transplanting damaged organs/limbs.

A colonists was wounded in a raid and lost his hand or let's say 3 fingers, impairing his working ability.
Normally you would now have to first remove his arm, which causes a "bad thought" on him.
Then you need to attach a new arm, which does not give any thought.
So even if you did a good thing on that poor dude, he and the whole colony will get a debuff that even can stack.

It would be better, if a colonist would get a mood buff from getting a new arm attached, than he got from the removal of the damaged arm.
So he would not be in a bad mood for a longer period of time, but only until he got his replacement.
Same for the other colonists that are witnessing this.
"My organs harvested! -15"
"I got a new arm! +15".

This way, ruthless harvesting organd/limbs would still cause a debuff on the colonits mood,
but medically necessary replacement of body parts would not yield a sustained debuff.

Alternatively, we could have an option added that says "replace [body part]" instead of "remove [body part]",
so eneryone witnesing the operations already knows from the start, that this is not a bad thing.


you don't need to remove their arm to add a new one...

just go to the health tab -> operations, select "install bionic/prosthetic arm (right/left)" and the operation is done all at once: arm removed and attached all at once with no negative thought.

If you're using mods to allow you to chop off someone else's arm and add a biological arm onto someone, then your complaints here in this forum aren't really valid...its a concern with the mod.


The organ harvesting and transplant need a rework. Not much...
System is good and very interesting in fact for new players such as I (me).


I'm so used to transplanting pretty much everything, that I didn't realize it's not vanilla...
Guess this thread is obolete then.